[Openmcl-devel] Re: Status of Cocoa under Tiger?

Raffael Cavallaro raffaelcavallaro at mac.com
Wed May 11 20:51:22 PDT 2005

On May 11, 2005, at 8:17 PM, Gary Byers wrote:

> As far as I know, the CVS server works.
> The bleeding-edge tree is pretty volatile these days (keep telling  
> yourself:
> "that's a GOOD thing.")  I try to put up bootstrapping images every  
> few days.

Yes, CVS is working now, and I've gotten as far as compiling hemlock  
after building from sources using the latest boot image.

However, in the middle of executing (ccl::compile-hemlock) I get:

;Loading #P"ccl:hemlock;bin;openmcl;echocoms.dfsl.newest"...
 > Error in process listener(1): value #<SIMPLE-BIT-VECTOR 256> is  
not of the expected type SIMPLE-VECTOR.
 > Type :POP to abort.
Type :? for other options.
1 > :b
(F0135B10) : 1 "Anonymous Function #x6037886" 48
(F0135B20) : 2 "CCL::%FASLOAD" 904
(F0135B40) : 3 NIL NIL
(F0135B50) : 4 "CCL::ATTEMPT-LOAD" 44
(F0135B60) : 5 "CCL::%LOAD" 984
(F0135B80) : 6 NIL NIL
(F0135B90) : 7 "LOAD" 636
(F0135BB0) : 8 "CCL::COMPILE-HEMLOCK" 104
(F0135BC0) : 9 NIL NIL
(F0135BD0) : 10 "CCL::CALL-CHECK-REGS" 72
(F0135BE0) : 11 NIL NIL
(F0135BF0) : 12 "CCL::TOPLEVEL-EVAL" 152
(F0135C00) : 13 "CCL::READ-LOOP" 844
(F0135C40) : 14 "CCL:TOPLEVEL-LOOP" 44
(F0135C60) : 15 "Anonymous Function #x611E98E" 68
(F0135C70) : 16 NIL NIL
(F0135C80) : 17 "Anonymous Function #x615D83E" 612
(F0135CD0) : 19 NIL NIL
(F0135CE0) : 20 "Anonymous Function #x611A4D6" 152
(F0135D00) : 21 "Anonymous Function #x610E8FE" 172

Any ideas?

Thanks again,

warmest regards

Raffael Cavallaro, Ph.D.
raffaelcavallaro at mac.com

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