[Openmcl-devel] BUG: 2D arrays broken on AMD64

Eric Marsden eric.marsden at free.fr
Thu Apr 19 12:57:03 PDT 2007

>>>>> "gb" == Gary Byers <gb at clozure.com> writes:

  gb> Thanks; that should be fixed in CVS in the next few minutes.  (The cron
  gb> job that propagates changes from SVN to CVS runs at 10 minutes past each
  gb> hour, and sometimes takes a few minutes to run.)

  I now get a different error compiling the 3D version of the test.
| Welcome to OpenMCL Version 1.1-pre-070408 (LinuxX8664)!
| ? (defun bench-3d-arrays (&optional (size 200) (runs 10))
|   (declare (fixnum size))
|   (let ((ones (make-array (list size size size) :element-type '(integer 0 1000) :initial-element 1))
|         (twos (make-array (list size size size) :element-type '(integer 0 1000) :initial-element 2))
|         (threes (make-array (list size size size) :element-type '(integer 0 2000))))
|     (dotimes (runs runs)
|       (dotimes (i size)
|         (dotimes (j size)
|           (dotimes (k size)
|             (setf (aref threes i j k)
|                   (+ (aref ones i j k) (aref twos i j k))))))
|       (assert (eql 3 (aref threes 3 3 3)))))
|   (values))
| > Error: Bug: ran out of imm temp registers.
| > While executing: CCL::AVAILABLE-IMM-TEMP, in process listener(1).

Eric Marsden

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