[Openmcl-devel] Solaris x86-64?

Chris Curtis enderx12 at mac.com
Thu Jan 3 07:40:23 PST 2008

Wow, that was quite a core dump! It may still be a bit of work, but  
that looks to be a pretty solid set of guideposts. Thanks, Gary!


On Jan 3, 2008, at 1:27 AM, Gary Byers wrote:

> On Wed, 2 Jan 2008, Chris Curtis wrote:
>> On Jan 2, 2008, at 11:39 AM, Gary Byers wrote:
>>> The x86-64 port needs (or at least really, really wants)
>>> some way to set the gs segment register so that it points
>>> to per-thread lisp data.  I don't remember whether Solaris
>>> offers a way to do this; if not, it might be hard to work
>>> around that.
>> That one I'd have to spend a little more time digging into...  
>> nothing off the top of my head, since I've tried really hard to  
>> forget everything I ever knew about segmented memory.
> In ccl/lisp-kernel/thread-manager.c, there's a function called
> 'setup_tcr_extra_segment' that's called on thread startup on x86-64;
> it tries to do something OS-dependent to make the %gs register
> point at lisp per-thread data (the thread's "thread context record",
> or TCR.)
> Darwin ("the world's most advanced operating system!") doesn't offer
> that, so we do something horrible and ugly: the pthreads library
> uses %gs on Darwin (less advanced OSes that're compliant with
> the amd64 ABI use %fs ...) and we switch %gs to point to either
> pthreads data or lisp data every time we switch between running
> lisp code and running foreign code; see code conditionalized on
> DARWIN_GS_HACK.  If there isn't an advertised way to make %gs
> available to user code on Solaris, there might be a way to do
>> So it at least looks like it's at least somewhat possible. I know  
>> it's definitely not available for normal user consumption, but is  
>> there any guide somewhere as to how I'd go about starting to build  
>> the codebase from scratch?
> Matt Emerson's been working on an IA-32 port; he has some notes about
> that at <http://trac.clozure.com/openmcl/wiki/PortToIA-32>.  Cross- 
> compiling
> from Linux or Darwin x86-64 to Solaris x64 is probably a bit simpler;
> the general idea is:
> - You may find that this stuff works better if you're in the CCL
> package and redefinition warnings are turned off.  One way to get
> into such an environment is to do
> (in-package "CCL")
> (set-development-environment)
> in your ~/ccl-init.lisp.
> - the signal-handling stuff in the lisp kernel that's of immediate
> concern involves recognizing the various flavors of traps and other
> exceptions that occur during (more-or-less normal) lisp execution.
> The lisp will use various kinds of UUOs (trap instructions) to
> signal exceptional situations; most of these are of the form
> "int $n" (possibly followed by a byte or two of data), and different
> OSes map the exceptions that occur when such instructions are
> executed to different synchronous signals.  It's fairly common
> for "int $n" to generate a SIGSEGV; it may be necessary to look
> at other information to distinguish between this and other causes
> - there's probably other OS-specific stuff in the kernel that
> may not be defined correctly for Solaris (e.g., how do we
> determine the bounds of a thread's stack ?), depending on
> how far I got a couple of years ago.
> - look at ccl/compiler/X86/X8664/x8664-backend.lisp; it defines  
> "backend" structures for the currently supported platforms.  Make  
> one for
> Solaris/x64, customizing at least the obvious stuff.  Push this
> structure on the lists *known-backends* and *known-x8664-backends*,
> and generally do the stuff that's done for the other platforms.
> - look at ccl/library/*syscalls.lisp, which define system calls (the
> trap numbers and argument/return-value types.)  Make a solaris-x64
> version; system call numbers are often defined in unistd.h.
> (For extra credit, figure out a way to generate these files
> automatically; the manual definitions have been error-prone and
> error-riddled.)
> - look at the definition of SETUP-X8664-FTD in backend.lisp; this
> is supposed to initialize a backend structure's "foreign type data"
> (ftd). Add a CASE clause for the Solaris backend (for extra  
> credit ...);
> a lot of the structure options have to do with ABI details and should
> be the same for Solaris as for other x86-64 platforms.  The value
> of the :interface-db-directory is set differently according to
> whether or not we're cross-compiling; this was intended to make
> it easier to share an NFS-mounted "ccl" directory between the
> host system and the target.  (The data in the interface .cdb
> files is host-endian, and it's desirable to keep the host and
> target versions of the interface files separate.)
> Call SETUP-X8664-FTD on the Solaris backend.
> - generate interface files for Solaris (at least the standard
> C library).  You can possibly build FFIGEN on Solaris (if
> gcc 4.0 works there) using <ftp://ftp.clozure.com/pub/ffigen-src.tar.gz 
> >,
> which may need some tweaks to its Makefile to recognize Solaris.
> It should also work to copy the Solaris headers to a Linux or
> Darwin or FreeBSD box and run the interface translator there
> (with -isysroot set approprately).
> - once you have a directory full of Solaris .ffi files on the
> host system, setup the Solaris backend and do:
> ? (require "PARSE-FFI")
> ? (ccl::parse-standard-ffi-files :libc :solarisx64)
> Run that twice to resolve forward-refrenced types and constants.
> You should then have a bunch of shiny new .cdb files in
> ccl/cross-solarisx64-headers/libc.
> - look at the "xload backends" defined in ccl/xload/xx8664- 
> fasload.lisp;
> make one or Solaris.  You may want to change the image-base-address
> field to match the address where Solaris will let you map a large
> chunk of memory.
> - load the xloader (the code that makes the initial bootstrapping
> image out of the level-0 fasls).
> ? (ccl::require-update-modules* ccl::*x8664-xload-modules* t)
> That'll recompile and load 3 fairly small files; if their fasls
> are already up-to-date, you can use CCL::REQUIRE-MODULES instead
> - try to build a bootstrapping image for Solaris:
> ? (cross-xload-level-0 :solaris864 :force)
> should compile the level-0 sources and try to write a bootstrapping
> image for Solaris (the bootstrapping image pathname is set in
> the xload backend).
> Some functions in level-0 do system calls; most of them aren't
> too OS-dependent, so this could/should work fairly easily.
> - create a file named "ccl/lib/ffi-solarisx64.lisp"; it needs
> to define a few functions whose names are in the "interface"
> package for Solarisx64 (set in the ftd for the backend); if
> the x86-64 C calling conventions for Solaris are identical
> to those used on other x86-64 platforms, the "Solaris-specific"
> ffi hooks can just use things defined in the x8664 package
> (which is what the linux/darwin/freebsd versions of that file
> do.)  Add this file to ccl/lib/systems.lisp and ccl/lib/compile- 
> ccl.lisp;
> conditionalize compile-ccl for Solaris (some functions use the name
> of the target to decide which architecture-specific files to include.)
> - with updated versions of those files loaded, try to cross-compile
> the rest of the lisp:
> ? (cross-compile-ccl :solarisx64 t)
> Some files have a lot of OS-conditionalized code (level-1/linux- 
> files.lisp,
> level-1/l1-sockets.lisp in particular) and may need some work before
> they'll compile cleanly.  level-1/x86-trap-support.lisp defines some
> stuff which knows how to interpret the fields of a signal context;
> if you compare the Solaris definitions of struct ucontext and
> the mcontext structure that it contains/references with the Linux
> version, that may help you to understand what the Linux code
> in that file does and what the Solaris code needs to do.
> Once you're as satisfied as you can be that things are compiling
> cleanly, see what happens.  On the target (Solaris) system, ensure
> that you have access to the (possibly NFS-shared) ccl directory,
> and try:
> ./sx86cl64 sx86-boot64  # or whatever the bootstrapping image was  
> called
> If this doesn't crash spectacularly the first few times that you
> try it, you are extremely lucky and/or good.
> I actually think that if you can get to this point, you're probably
> not too far from being able to save a native Solaris image and have  
> it compile itself, and I'd guess that most of the problems
> that you'd find are in the kernel's exception-handling code.  In
> theory at least, non-OS-dependent Lisp code should behave exactly
> the same way under Solaris as it does under Linux/Darwin/FreeBSD;
> most of the OS-dependent code (filesystem, etc.) involves the
> same sort of conditionalization that'd be involved in porting
> a typical application between OSes, and it's the exception-handling
> stuff that can be a little tricky and that absolutely, positively
> has to work right.
> (One thing that depends on a lot of things working right is the
> GC, so it's sometimes helpful to turn off the EGC and defer GC
> as long as possible, so that you can get things "working, modulo
> GC issues.")
>> It seems somehow a waste to run lx-branded zones on Solaris just to  
>> get CCL running. (Plus, it'd be really nifty to add the dtrace  
>> hooks....)
> How easy this is to do probably depends on how easy it is to  
> understand
> what the existing platform-specific code does and how easy it is to  
> provide
> Solaris-specific code; the code in question often deals with very
> low-level things that aren't well documented (both in CCL and in the
> OS.)
>> --chris

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