[Openmcl-devel] CCL/OpenMCL *features*

Bill Clementson billclem at gmail.com
Fri Jan 4 17:47:10 PST 2008

Hi Luis,

I sent off a reply to your post several hours ago, but it doesn't
appear in the news group, so I'm sending it again. If this becomes a
duplicate, my apologies.

Luis Oliveira <luismbo at gmail.com> writes:

> "Bill Clementson" <billclem at gmail.com> writes:
>> If you intend to add the above :darwin fix to l0-init.lisp, then cffi
>> should be patched as well (cffi-openmcl.lisp):
>> (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
>>   (mapc (lambda (feature) (pushnew feature *features*))
>>         '(;; OS/CPU features.
>>           #+darwinppc-target  cffi-features:darwin
>>           #+darwinx86-target  cffi-features:darwin
>>           #+unix              cffi-features:unix
>>           #+ppc32-target      cffi-features:ppc32
>>           #+x8664-target      cffi-features:x86-64
>>           )))
> I noticed this the other day (Dec 14 according to the ChangeLog) and
> fixed it in the darcs version.  We haven't released a new CFFI version
> yet though.  Anyway, at the some point in the feature we might use
> trivial-features instead of maintaining the cffi-features mappings.

I have just done a "darcs get
http://common-lisp.net/project/cffi/darcs/cffi" and I do not see the
required fix in the darcs version of cffi. I believe that the correct
fix should be:

~/lisp/unstable/cffi/src $ darcs diff -u cffi-openmcl.lisp
--- old-cffi/src/cffi-openmcl.lisp	2008-01-04 17:40:27.000000000 -0800
+++ new-cffi/src/cffi-openmcl.lisp	2008-01-04 17:40:27.000000000 -0800
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (mapc (lambda (feature) (pushnew feature *features*))
         '(;; OS/CPU features.
-          #+darwinppc-target  cffi-features:darwin
+          #+darwin-target     cffi-features:darwin
           #+unix              cffi-features:unix
           #+ppc32-target      cffi-features:ppc32
           #+x8664-target      cffi-features:x86-64

So, I assume that one of two things has happened:

1. You made the fix to your local darcs repository but have not
propagated it up to the common-lisp.net darcs repository.
2. You made a different fix

Could you please confirm what patch will be going into cffi?


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