[Openmcl-devel] Failing to build 64 bit ccl/x86

Gary Byers gb at clozure.com
Tue Aug 18 04:38:43 PDT 2009

As described in <http://trac.clozure.com/openmcl/wiki/UpdatingFromSource>,
svn doesn't have a good way to resolve the differences between locally
modified binary files (including the ccl kernel/image files) and updated
repository versions; "svn update" generally just flags those files as 
containing conflicts that it can't resolve.

Newer versions of "svn" (1.5.x, 1.6.x) generally do a better job of
alerting the user to these conflicts (and offer options for resolving
conflicts during update.)

"svn status" will also show the presence of conflicting files.

"svn revert <file>" will replace the modified local copy of <file> with
the repository version and convince svn that the apparent conflict has
been resolved.

On Tue, 18 Aug 2009, John McAleely wrote:

> Hi,
> I updated ccl today. My update script (included below), currently
> fails to build the trunk's x8664 ccl on my Mac (OS 10.5.8 / Intel).
> I get the following error message:
> $ ./dx86cl64
> Heap image is too new for this kernel.
> Couldn't load lisp heap image from /Applications/ccl/dx86cl64.image
> Am I doing something wrong?
> J
> ps - the 32 bit image is fine, and reports itself as:
> Welcome to Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.4-dev-r12621M-trunk
> (DarwinX8632)!
> -----
> script 'update-ccl':
> #!/bin/bash
> KERNELS='./dx86cl64 ./dx86cl'
> function build-ccl()
> {
>   local KERNEL=$1
>   $KERNEL -e "(progn (ccl:rebuild-ccl :full t) (ccl:quit))"
> }
> function build-ide()
> {
>   local KERNEL=$1
>   # work around for gui startup issue:
>   # See <http://clozure.com/pipermail/openmcl-devel/2009-May/009416.html
> >
>   echo "(require 'cocoa-application)" | $KERNEL -n
> }
> # clean out stale fasls
> find . -name *fsl -type f -exec rm {} \;
> # update from svn, wiping out locally built kernel images
> svn up --accept theirs-full
> # build each kernel and ide.
> for KERNEL in $KERNELS; do build-ccl $KERNEL; done
> for KERNEL in $KERNELS; do build-ide $KERNEL; done
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