[Openmcl-devel] changeset 12281

mikel evins mevins at mac.com
Wed Jun 24 12:02:43 PDT 2009

On Jun 24, 2009, at 10:22 AM, Joakim Sandgren wrote:

> Thank You!
> I propose that you add to the default hemlock bindings.lisp file  
> these:
> (hi:bind-key "Select Forward Word" #k"meta-shift-rightarrow")
> (hi:bind-key "Select Backward Word" #k"meta-shift-leftarrow")
> (hi:bind-key "Forward Form" #k"control-rightarrow")
> (hi:bind-key "Select Forward Form" #k"control-shift-rightarrow")
> (hi:bind-key "Backward Form" #k"control-leftarrow")
> (hi:bind-key "Select Backward Form" #k"control-shift-leftarrow")
> but it is perhaps too personal...?
> by the way the
> (hi:bind-key "Select Backward Character" #k"shift-leftarrow")
> (hi:bind-key "Select Forward Character" #k"shift-rightarrow")
> do not work...
> why?
> and... I found that doubleclicking on a form to select it, then  
> collapsing it to the right or to the left, return do not work  
> anymore as new-line for this document.
> if you are to the left, the form goes line by line downward but the  
> cursor stay in place - like control-O,
> if you collapse to the right you create a new line underneith the  
> form but the cursor is still in place (just to the left of the  
> collapsed form)..
> and this is like it is everywhere - in that document. if you open  
> another return is return again. if you close the other document and  
> reopen it everything is ok again...
> collapsing form seems to alter the retrurn - new line function...

It didn't, but it did bash point in a way that confsed the buffer.

I *think* all the above are fixed in 12287. If that's true, then we'll  
no doubt discover something else that needs fixing. :-)


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