[Openmcl-devel] User contributions

peter p2.edoc at googlemail.com
Sun Aug 29 09:11:46 PDT 2010

At 8:14 AM -0700 10/8/29, Neil Baylis wrote:
>Attached are two demos to be included in the contribs.

Very cool. Thank you.

>ca-demo.lisp is a replacement for my original ca-demo that loads an 
>image into a layer and lets you drag it around inside a window, 
>using the GPU to animate the dragging. This demo has been reworked 
>so that it functions on both 10.5 and 10.6, and tested under CCL1.5 
>on intel and ppc 32 bit. It no longer requires a 64 bit ccl in order 
>to function.
>ca-multilayer.lisp allows you to test your system's performance when 
>animating a large number of layers simultaneously. You can run top 
>while dragging the mouse within the window to see the results.

I think I hit the center pixel, it is a gift!

>  Error: value #<BOGUS object @ #x7FFF5FBFF19D> is not of the 
>expected type REAL.
>  While executing: (:INTERNAL |-[CADemoView mouseDragged:]|), in 
>process Initial(0).
>  Type :POP to abort, :R for a list of available restarts.
>  Type :? for other options.
1 > (B)
  (44B9F0) : 0 (FUNCALL #'#<(:INTERNAL |-[CADemoView mouseDragged:]|)> 
#<TYPE-ERROR #x3020015C66AD>) 141
  (44BA18) : 1 (SIGNAL #<TYPE-ERROR #x3020015C66AD>) 973
  (44BA70) : 2 (%ERROR #<TYPE-ERROR #x3020015C66AD> NIL 563046) 117
#<BOGUS object @ #x7FFF5FBFF19D> REAL) 1061
  (44BB30) : 4 (%SHORT-FLOAT #<BOGUS object @ #x7FFF5FBFF19D>) 237
  (44BB58) : 5 (COS #<BOGUS object @ #x7FFF5FBFF19D>) 413
  (44BB70) : 6 (PLACE-LAYER #<CA-LAYER <CALayer: 0x18d9350> 
(#x18D9350)> #<NS-POINT 400,400 [gcable] (#x19B16230) #x3020015C6D4D> 
#<BOGUS object @ #x7FFF5FBFF19D> 0.0D0) 453
  (44BBC0) : 7 (LAYOUT-RADIAL (#<CA-LAYER <CALayer: 0x18d9350> 
(#x18D9350)> #<CA-LAYER <CALayer: 0x18f0360> (#x18F0360)> #<CA-LAYER 
<CALayer: 0x18f2970> (#x18F2970)> #<CA-LAYER <CALayer: 0x18e6e10> 
(#x18E6E10)> #<CA-LAYER <CALayer: 0x186c2d0> (#x186C2D0)> ...) 
#<NS-POINT 400,400 [gcable] (#x19B07310) #x3020015C6E4D> #<NS-POINT 
400,400 [gcable] (#x19B16230) #x3020015C6D4D>) 565
  (44BC30) : 8 (FUNCALL #'#<|-[CADemoView mouseDragged:]|> 17591849975384) 1453
  (44BCC0) : 9 (%PASCAL-FUNCTIONS% 369 17591849975384) 365
  (44BD78) : 10 (FUNCALL #'#<Anonymous Function #x300000E86C0F> #<A 
Foreign Pointer [stack-allocated] (:* #) #x7FFF5FBFF870> #<A Foreign 
Pointer #x7FFF8083FB60> #<NS-EVENT NSEvent: type=LMouseDragged 
loc=(400,400) time=554912.8 flags=0x100 win=0x0 winNum=9992 ctxt=0x0 
evNum=14197 click=1 buttonNumber=0 pressure=1 deltaX=0.000000 
deltaY=-1.000000 (#x19B12C60)>) 373
<LispApplication: 0x1165d0> (#x1165D0)> #<OBJC:OBJC-CLASS 
GUI::LISP-APPLICATION (#x1810420)> #<A Foreign Pointer 
#x7FFF8083FB60> (:VOID :ID) #<NS-EVENT NSEvent: type=LMouseDragged 
loc=(400,400) time=554912.8 flags=0x100 win=0x0 winNum=9992 ctxt=0x0 
evNum=14197 click=1 buttonNumber=0 pressure=1 deltaX=0.000000 
deltaY=-1.000000 (#x19B12C60)>) 773
  (44BE08) : 12 (FUNCALL #'#<GUI::|-[LispApplication sendEvent:]|> 
17591849975608) 957
  (44BE78) : 13 (%PASCAL-FUNCTIONS% 16 17591849975608) 365
  (44BF30) : 14 (FUNCALL #'#<Anonymous Function #x300000DF12AF> 
#<LISP-APPLICATION <LispApplication: 0x1165d0> (#x1165D0)> 
#S(CCL::OBJC-SELECTOR :NAME "run" :%SEL #<A Foreign Pointer 
#x7FFF8083FB3C>)) 173
  (44BF50) : 15 (FUNCALL #'#<(:OBJC-DISPATCH NEXTSTEP-FUNCTIONS:|run|)> ???) 565
  (44BF88) : 16 (EVENT-LOOP NIL) 421
1 >

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