[Openmcl-devel] pattern matching

Taoufik Dachraoui dachraoui.taoufik at gmail.com
Sat Dec 4 05:02:21 PST 2010


I wrote a matching pattern function and would like to share in order
to improve it (remove the compiler warnings for example, see below).

I started with the destruc function found in onLisp book by Paul Graham.

I modified the destruc function in order to not use the nth function (I
found it
is not efficient); instead I bind partial results in generated symbols.

Also, unlike the dbind (see onLisp), the matching pattern function returns
if the structure is not matched otherwise it runs the given parameter body;
this allows us to check for alternative matches (used in compiler).

Any matching symbol x can be typed  and must be of the form (:type x #'name)
where name is a boolean function with one argument (eg. numberp, consp,
atom, ...)


A pattern is a tree of symbols with possibly typed symbols

? (with-match-destruc (a (b (:type c #'symbolp))) (2 (3 4)) (list a b c))
;Compiler warnings :
;   In an anonymous lambda form: Unused lexical variable #:G2554
;   In an anonymous lambda form: Unused lexical variable #:G2555
? (with-match-destruc (a (b (:type c #'symbolp))) (2 (3 x)) (list a b c))
;Compiler warnings :
;   In an anonymous lambda form: Unused lexical variable #:G2565
;   In an anonymous lambda form: Unused lexical variable #:G2566
(2 3 X)
? (with-match-destruc (a (b c) (d (:type e #'symbolp)) f) (2 (3 4) (5 x) 6)
(list a b c d e f))
;Compiler warnings :
;   In an anonymous lambda form: Unused lexical variable #:G2598
;   In an anonymous lambda form: Unused lexical variable #:G2601
;   In an anonymous lambda form: Unused lexical variable #:G2604
(2 3 4 5 X 6)

(defmacro with-match-destruc (pat seq &body body)
  (let ((x (gensym)))
    `(block nil
      (let* ((,x ',seq)
     ,@(match-destruc pat x))
, at body)))))
(defun match-destruc (pat seq)
    ((null pat) nil)
    ((symbolp pat) `(,pat (if (symbolp ,seq) ,seq (return-from nil nil))))
    ((atom pat)
     (list `(,pat
     (if (atom ,seq) ,seq (return-from nil nil)))))
    ((eq :type (car pat))
     (list `(,(second pat)
     (if (and (atom ,seq) (funcall ,(third pat) ,seq))
 ,seq (return-from nil nil)))))
     (let ((r
    (let* ((p (car pat))
   (var (gensym))
   (rec (if (null (cdr pat))
    (cons `(,var (if (consp ,seq) (cdr ,seq)
     (return-from nil nil)))
  (match-destruc (cdr pat) var)))))
      (if (atom p)
  (cons `(,p (if (consp ,seq) (car ,seq)
 (return-from nil nil))) rec)
  (if (eq (car p) :type)
      (cons `(,(second p)
      (if (and (consp ,seq) (funcall ,(third p) (car ,seq)))
  (car ,seq)
  (return-from nil nil))) rec)
      (append (match-destruc
       `(if (consp ,seq)
    (car ,seq)
    (return-from nil nil)))
       (if (null (cdr pat))
   (cons `(,(gensym) ; dummy (should be declared to ignore)
   (if (not (and (consp ,seq) (null (cdr ,seq))))
       (return-from nil nil)))

Kind regards
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