[Openmcl-devel] Error on macro character after sharpsign colon

Tim Bradshaw tfb at tfeb.org
Mon Feb 1 02:24:58 PST 2010

Like Ron I don't want to drag this out longer than needed, but I  
worked out something over the weekend (while skiing on a dry slope -  
strange what you think about when).

I think an underlying principle should be that if I have some  
character sequence x which is read as a symbol and which does not  
begin with a package prefix, then it ought to be the case that I can  
always simply add a package prefix to that sequence and it should  
still read as a symbol but now in the specified package.  Similarly if  
I have a sequence which *does* begin with a package prefix, it should  
be OK to simply remove that prefix and it will now read in the  
dynamically current package.


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