[Openmcl-devel] recent x86 FPU benchmarks

Brandon Van Every bvanevery at gmail.com
Sun Apr 10 16:13:04 PDT 2011

Anyone know of some recent x86 FPU benchmarks for Clozure CL, and also
comparison to other CL implementations, or other programming
languages?  "The Computer Language Benchmarks Game"
http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/ has benchmarks for SBCL but no
other CLs.  I've been trying to get TCLBG to work on my Windows Vista
box but no luck so far.  I found fairly old benchmarks
http://trac.clozure.com/ccl/wiki/HowFastAreWe but these aren't helpful
today.  The code is available at
http://www.cliki.net/Performance%20Benchmarks but it's from 2004 and
I'm a little leery of diving into a port.  I will probably try harder
with TCLBG before bothering with that.  Meanwhile, can anyone save me
a few hours' work?

Brandon Van Every

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