[Openmcl-devel] my Custom Function is not protected.

박성민 byulparan at gmail.com
Sun Aug 21 20:09:22 PDT 2011

(defpackage #:foo
    (:use :cl :ccl)
    (:export #:hello)))

(in-package :foo)

(defun hello ()
    "hello world")


(in-pakcage :cl-user)

(use-package :foo)

(defun hello ()
    "no……..I don't want redefine it.")

in CCL package function is protected.  It is predefine function.

but..my…foo:hello  function is not protected.  

I want my  foo:hello  function is predefine function also…

I read  http://ccl.clozure.com/manual/chapter18.2.html#Using-CCL-in--development--and-in--user--mode 

but…I don't understand it.  how to use it?

sorry. I can't speak english~...

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