[Openmcl-devel] ARM runtime stability problem (in %NANOSLEEP ?)

Eric Marsden eric.marsden at free.fr
Fri Sep 16 09:40:12 PDT 2011

The following bug is reproducible, and seems to be triggered by code
involving a lot of floating point arithmetic. 

| Welcome to Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.8-dev-r14982M-trunk  (LinuxARM32)!
| ? (defun mset-level/complex (c)
|   (declare (type complex c))
|   (loop :for z = #c(0 0) :then (+ (* z z) c)
|         :for iter :from 1 :to 300
|         :until (> (abs z) 4.0)
|         :finally (return iter)))
| (defun run ()
|   (let ((n 800)
| 	(sum 0))
|     (dotimes (i n)
|       (incf sum (mset-level/complex (complex 0.0001d0 (/ i n 0.25d0)))))))
| ? (dotimes (i 10) (run))
| Unhandled exception 11 at 0x24bac, context->regs at #x4053f700
| received signal 11; faulting address: (nil)
| address not mapped to object
| ? for help
| [30555] Clozure CL kernel debugger: B
| current thread: tcr = 0x3fcf8, native thread ID = 0x775c, interrupts enabled
| Bad frame! (0x4053f9c8)
| TCR = 0x3a478, cstack area #x3c638,  native thread ID = 0x775b, interrupts enabled
| (#xBEB725E0) #x5038B85C : #<Function %NANOSLEEP #x54169386> + 360
| (#xBEB72640) #x5039836C : #<Function HOUSEKEEPING-LOOP #x5417107e> + 280
| (#xBEB72670) #x5039833C : #<Function HOUSEKEEPING-LOOP #x5417107e> + 232
| (#xBEB726E8) #x50398330 : #<Function HOUSEKEEPING-LOOP #x5417107e> + 220
| (#xBEB72770) #x50398300 : #<Function HOUSEKEEPING-LOOP #x5417107e> + 172
| (#xBEB72830) #x0000B444 : (subprimitive ret1valn)
| (#xBEB72840) #x50398760 : #<Function (:INTERNAL (TOPLEVEL-FUNCTION (LISP-DEVELOPMENT-SYSTEM T))) #x54171286> + 124
| (#xBEB72870) #x50398748 : #<Function (:INTERNAL (TOPLEVEL-FUNCTION (LISP-DEVELOPMENT-SYSTEM T))) #x54171286> + 100
| (#xBEB72B50) #x00015224 : (subprimitive (null))
| (#xBEB72B80) #x00015214 : (subprimitive (null))
| (#xBEB72BD8) #x000152A4 : (subprimitive (null))

Eric Marsden

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