[Openmcl-devel] Problem building 1.8 on Lion from svn

Patrick May patrick.may at mac.com
Wed Apr 4 07:28:03 PDT 2012

	Is my environment misconfigured somehow?  I have the latest Xcode installed.

~/tmp/ccl/ccl> ./dx86cl64 --no-initWelcome to Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.8-r15286M  (DarwinX8664)!
? (rebuild-ccl :full t)
Rebuilding Clozure Common Lisp using Version 1.8-r15286M  (DarwinX8664)
;Building lisp-kernel ...
;Kernel built successfully.
;Compiling "/usr/local/ccl/lib/systems.lisp"...
;Loading #P"/usr/local/ccl/bin/systems.dx64fsl"...
;Compiling "/usr/local/ccl/lib/compile-ccl.lisp"...
;Loading #P"/usr/local/ccl/bin/compile-ccl.dx64fsl"...
;Compiling "/usr/local/ccl/compiler/nxenv.lisp"...
;Loading #P"/usr/local/ccl/bin/nxenv.dx64fsl"...
;Compiling "/usr/local/ccl/compiler/nx.lisp"...
; Including "/usr/local/ccl/compiler/nx-basic.lisp"...
; Including "/usr/local/ccl/compiler/lambda-list.lisp"...
; Including "/usr/local/ccl/compiler/nx0.lisp"...
;Compiler warnings for #P"ccl:compiler;nx0.lisp.newest" :
;   In NX1-TYPED-VAR-INITFORM: In the call to NX1-TYPED-FORM with arguments (FORM ENV),
;     2 arguments were provided, but at least 3 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-TYPED-FORM
;   In NX1-LAMBDA: In the call to NX1-ENV-BODY with arguments (BODY OLD-ENV),
;     2 arguments were provided, but at least 3 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-ENV-BODY
;   In NX1-LAMBDA: In the call to NX1-ENV-BODY with arguments (BODY OLD-ENV),
;     2 arguments were provided, but at least 3 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-ENV-BODY
;   In NX-PARSE-STRUCTURED-LAMBDA-LIST: In the call to NX1-FORM with arguments (INITFORM),
;     1 argument was provided, but at least 2 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-FORM
;   In NX-PARSE-STRUCTURED-LAMBDA-LIST: In the call to NX1-FORM with arguments ((CAR (THE LIST (%CDR SYM)))),
;     1 argument was provided, but at least 2 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-FORM
;   In NX-PARSE-STRUCTURED-LAMBDA-LIST: In the call to NX1-FORM with arguments (AUXVAL),
;     1 argument was provided, but at least 2 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-FORM
;   In NX1-FORM: In the call to NX1-TYPED-FORM with arguments (FORM *NX-LEXICAL-ENVIRONMENT*),
;     2 arguments were provided, but at least 3 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-TYPED-FORM
;   In NX1-TYPED-FORM: In the call to NX1-TRANSFORMED-FORM with arguments (FORM ENV),
;     2 arguments were provided, but at least 3 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-TRANSFORMED-FORM
;     2 arguments were provided, but at least 3 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-TRANSFORMED-FORM
;   In NX1-TRANSFORMED-FORM: In the call to NX1-COMBINATION with arguments (FORM ENV),
;     2 arguments were provided, but at least 3 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-COMBINATION
;     1 argument was provided, but at least 2 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-IMMEDIATE
;   In NX1-COMBINATION: In the call to NX1-TYPED-CALL with arguments (SYM ARGS),
;     2 arguments were provided, but at least 3 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-TYPED-CALL
;   In NX1-COMBINATION: In the call to NX1-LAMBDA-BIND with arguments ((CAR (THE LIST (%CDR SYM))) ARGS (CDR (THE LIST (%CDR SYM)))),
;     3 arguments were provided, but at least 4 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-LAMBDA-BIND
;   In NX1-TREAT-AS-CALL: In the call to NX1-TYPED-CALL with arguments ((CAR ARGS) (CDR (THE LIST ARGS))),
;     2 arguments were provided, but at least 3 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-TYPED-CALL
;     6 arguments were provided, but at least 7 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-EXPAND-INLINE-CALL
; Including "/usr/local/ccl/compiler/nx1.lisp"...
;Compiler warnings for #P"ccl:compiler;nx1.lisp.newest" :
;   In NX1-MACROLET inside an anonymous lambda form: In the call to NX1-PROGN-BODY with arguments (BODY),
;     1 argument was provided, but at least 2 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-PROGN-BODY
;   In NX1-SYMBOL-MACROLET inside an anonymous lambda form: In the call to NX1-ENV-BODY with arguments (BODY OLD-ENV),
;     2 arguments were provided, but at least 3 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-ENV-BODY
;   In NX1-PROGN inside an anonymous lambda form: In the call to NX1-PROGN-BODY with arguments (ARGS),
;     1 argument was provided, but at least 2 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-PROGN-BODY
;   In NX1-DESTRUCTURE: In the call to NX1-ENV-BODY with arguments (BODY OLD-ENV),
;     2 arguments were provided, but at least 3 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-ENV-BODY
;   In NX1-CATCH inside an anonymous lambda form: In the call to NX1-CATCH-BODY with arguments (BODY),
;     1 argument was provided, but at least 2 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-CATCH-BODY
;   In NX1-UNWIND-PROTECT inside an anonymous lambda form: In the call to NX1-CATCH-BODY with arguments ((CONS PROTECTED-FORM NIL)),
;     1 argument was provided, but at least 2 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-CATCH-BODY
;   In NX1-APPLY inside an anonymous lambda form: In the call to NX1-APPLY-FN with arguments (FN ARGS T),
;     3 arguments were provided, but at least 4 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-APPLY-FN
;   In NX1-FF-CALL inside an anonymous lambda form: In the call to NX1-FF-CALL-INTERNAL with arguments (ADDRESS-EXPRESSION ARG-SPECS-AND-RESULT-SPEC (LET* ((#:G6588 (BACKEND-NAME *TARGET-BACKEND*))) (DECLARE (IGNORABLE #:G6588)) (COND ((OR (EQL #:G6588 ':LINUXPPC32) (EQL #:G6588 ':LINUXARM) (EQL #:G6588 ':DARWINARM) (EQL #:G6588 ':ANDROIDARM)) (%NX1-OPERATOR EABI-FF-CALL)) ((OR (EQL #:G6588 ':DARWINPPC32) (EQL #:G6588 ':LINUXPPC64) (EQL #:G6588 ':DARWINPPC64)) (%NX1-OPERATOR POWEROPEN-FF-CALL)) ((OR (EQL #:G6588 ':DARWINX8632) (EQL #:G6588 ':LINUXX8632) (EQL #:G6588 ':WIN32) (EQL #:G6588 ':SOLARISX8632) (EQL #:G6588 ':FREEBSDX8632)) (%NX1-OPERATOR I386-FF-CALL)) ((OR (EQL #:G6588 ':LINUXX8664) (EQL #:G6588 ':FREEBSDX8664) (EQL #:G6588 ':DARWINX8664) (EQL #:G6588 ':SOLARISX8664) (EQL #:G6588 ':WIN64)) (%NX1-OPERATOR FF-CALL)) (T (VALUES (%ERR-DISP 157 #:G6588 '(MEMBER :LINUXPPC32 :LINUXARM :DARWINARM :ANDROIDARM :DARWINPPC32 :LINUXPPC64 :DARWINPPC64 :DARWINX8632 :LINUXX8632 :WIN32 :SOLARISX8632 :FREEBSDX8632 :LINUXX8664 :FREEBSDX8664 :DARWINX8664 :SOLARISX8664 :WIN64))))))),
;     3 arguments were provided, but at least 4 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-FF-CALL-INTERNAL
;   In NX1-FBIND inside an anonymous lambda form: In the call to NX1-ENV-BODY with arguments (BODY OLD-ENV),
;     2 arguments were provided, but at least 3 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-ENV-BODY
;   In NX1-FLET inside an anonymous lambda form: In the call to NX1-ENV-BODY with arguments (BODY ENV),
;     2 arguments were provided, but at least 3 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-ENV-BODY
;   In NX1-LABELS inside an anonymous lambda form: In the call to NX1-ENV-BODY with arguments (BODY OLD-ENV),
;     2 arguments were provided, but at least 3 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-ENV-BODY
;   In NX1-LAMBDA-BIND: In the call to NX1-ENV-BODY with arguments (BODY OLD-ENV),
;     2 arguments were provided, but at least 3 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-ENV-BODY
;   In NX1-LET inside an anonymous lambda form: In the call to NX1-ENV-BODY with arguments (BODY OLD-ENV),
;     2 arguments were provided, but at least 3 are required
;     by the current global definition of NX1-ENV-BODY
;Loading #P"/usr/local/ccl/l1-fasls/nx.dx64fsl"...
;Compiling "/usr/local/ccl/compiler/optimizers.lisp"...
;Loading #P"/usr/local/ccl/bin/optimizers.dx64fsl"...
;Compiling "/usr/local/ccl/compiler/dll-node.lisp"...
;Loading #P"/usr/local/ccl/bin/dll-node.dx64fsl"...
;Compiling "/usr/local/ccl/compiler/arch.lisp"...
;Loading #P"/usr/local/ccl/bin/arch.dx64fsl"...
;Compiling "/usr/local/ccl/compiler/vreg.lisp"...
;Loading #P"/usr/local/ccl/bin/vreg.dx64fsl"...
;Compiling "/usr/local/ccl/compiler/vinsn.lisp"...
;Loading #P"/usr/local/ccl/bin/vinsn.dx64fsl"...
;Compiling "/usr/local/ccl/compiler/reg.lisp"...
; Warning: Compile-time evaluation of DEFCONSTANT initial value form for HARD-REG-CLASS-GPR-MASK while compiling "ccl:compiler;reg.lisp.newest" signalled the error: 
;          While compiling an anonymous function :
;          In the form (#<COMPILED-LEXICAL-CLOSURE (:INTERNAL HANDLER WRITE-INTERNAL) #x133BB1F>), 2371699 is not a symbol or lambda expression.
; While executing: DEFINE-COMPILE-TIME-CONSTANT, in process listener(1).
;Compiler warnings for "ccl:compiler;reg.lisp.newest" :
;   In an anonymous lambda form at position 5834: In the form (NIL . #<INDENTING-STRING-OUTPUT-STREAM  #x302000CEE9FD>), 2371854 is not a symbol or lambda expression.
; Warning: Compile-time evaluation of DEFCONSTANT initial value form for HARD-REG-CLASS-GPR-CRF-MASK while compiling "ccl:compiler;reg.lisp.newest" signalled the error: 
;          While compiling an anonymous function :
;          In the form (#1=(ASH 1 HARD-REG-CLASS-GPR) (ASH 1 HARD-REG-CLASS-CRF)), #1# is not a symbol or lambda expression.
; While executing: DEFINE-COMPILE-TIME-CONSTANT, in process listener(1).
;   In an anonymous lambda form at position 5917: In the form ((ASH 1 HARD-REG-CLASS-GPR) (ASH 1 HARD-REG-CLASS-CRF)), (ASH 1 HARD-REG-CLASS-GPR) is not a symbol or lambda expression.
> Error: Serious errors encountered during compilation of "/usr/local/ccl/compiler/reg.lisp"
> While executing: %COMPILE-FILE, in process listener(1).
> Type :GO to continue, :POP to abort, :R for a list of available restarts.
> If continued: create the output file despite the errors
> Type :? for other options.
1 >



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