[Openmcl-devel] CCL/Cocoa Mountain Lion Challenges

Alexander Repenning alexander.repenning at Colorado.EDU
Thu Aug 23 17:22:45 PDT 2012

A bit of a pattern is emerging:
	- no obvious connection to version of CCL
	- strong connection to version of OS X (Mountain Lion, 10.8.0 and 10.8.1 only)
	- quite inconsistent
	- can happen when making threads or not servicing events from main thread for some time
	- more likely to crash on CCL 32 than CCL 64
	- has a CPU and RealMemory surge manifestation (observe with Activity Monitor) 

Here is a test case. 
 	- Load code and eval (crash-me)
	- observe CCL System memory in Activity Monitor
	- keep pressing return to OK the modal dialog.

Things may be fine OR you get some initial hick up with some small CPU/RealMem surges making things slower and slower. In some cases RealMem will just use up all you have and crash CCL after growing to a couple of GB. 

If you have a Mountain Lion machine please let me know if you also get problems with this. 

puzzled,  Alex


;(in-package :xlui)

;; inilined from Libraries

(defun NATIVE-STRING (String) "
  Return a native string"
  (#/autorelease (ccl::%make-nsstring String)))

(defmethod STANDARD-ALERT-DIALOG ((Message string) &key 
                                  (Yes-Text "OK")
                                  (No-Text nil)
                                  (Cancel-Text nil)
                                  (Is-Critical nil))
  (let ((Alert (#/init (#/alloc ns:ns-alert))))
    (#/setMessageText: Alert (native-string Message))
    (when Yes-Text (#/addButtonWithTitle: Alert (native-string Yes-Text)))
    (when No-Text (#/addButtonWithTitle: Alert (native-string No-Text)))
    (when Cancel-Text (#/addButtonWithTitle: Alert (native-string Cancel-Text)))
    (when Explanation-Text (#/setInformativeText: Alert (native-string Explanation-Text)))
    (#/setAlertStyle: Alert (if Is-Critical #$NSCriticalAlertStyle #$NSWarningAlertStyle))
    (case  (#/runModal Alert)
      (#.#$NSAlertFirstButtonReturn t)
      (#.#$NSAlertSecondButtonReturn nil)
      (#.#$NSAlertThirdButtonReturn (throw :cancel nil)))))

(defmacro IN-MAIN-THREAD (() &body body)
  (let ((thunk (gensym))
        (done (gensym))
        (result (gensym)))
    `(let ((,done nil)
           (,result nil))
       (flet ((,thunk ()
                (setq ,result (multiple-value-list (progn , at body))
                      ,done t)))
         (gui::execute-in-gui #',thunk)
         (process-wait "Main thread" #'(lambda () ,done))
         (values-list ,result)))))

;; the actual crasher

(defun CRASH-ME ()
  (in-main-thread ()
    (dotimes (i 100)
      (standard-alert-dialog "HELLO")
       '(:name "pointless")
       #'(lambda ()

; (crash-me)


On Aug 23, 2012, at 1:17 PM, Paul Krueger wrote:

> FWIW, I recently upgraded to Mountain Lion and am NOT seeing any Cocoa-related problems with either the IDE or my own Cocoa interfaces and I've been editing lots of lisp files. But I am still on a pretty old version of CCL: 1.7-dev-r14583M-trunk  (DarwinX8664)
> Paul
> On Aug 23, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Alexander Repenning <Alexander.Repenning at colorado.edu> wrote:
>> We are experiencing some errors, e.g., crashing CCL/Cocoa when just editing a file (with Hemlock). So far we have nothing completely reproducible but I wonder:
>> - how others experienced new kinds of issues with CCL in OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.0)?
>> - is there a certain set of fixes introduced into CCL specifically addressing OS X Mountain Lion. In other words is there some, presumably recent,  version of CCL that should be used to avoid trouble?
>> Alex
>> Prof. Alexander Repenning
>> University of Colorado
>> Computer Science Department
>> Boulder, CO 80309-430
>> vCard: http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~ralex/AlexanderRepenning.vcf
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Prof. Alexander Repenning

University of Colorado
Computer Science Department
Boulder, CO 80309-430

vCard: http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~ralex/AlexanderRepenning.vcf

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