[Openmcl-devel] unhanded exception reloading boot image, 32-bit darwin ccl 1.9-dev-r15461M-trunk

Raffael Cavallaro raffaelcavallaro at me.com
Fri Sep 14 13:51:40 PDT 2012

Gary and Matt,
after an svn update, kernel and bootstrapping image build successfully, but reloading the bootstrapping image fails as below. This is under Mountain Lion, 10.8.1. BTW, the 64-bit version rebuilds fine, including the IDE.

;Wrote bootstrapping image: #P"/Users/raffaelc/ccl/x86-boot32.image"
> Error: Errors (:SIGNALED 6) reloading boot image:
>        Unhandled exception 11 at 0x19da2, context->regs at #xbfffe8fc
>        received signal 11; faulting address: 0x26330
>        Main thread pid 36686
>        Current Thread Context Record (tcr) = 0x379b8
>        Control (C) stack area:  low = 0xbfe9c000, high = 0xbfffec5c
>        Value (lisp) stack area: low = 0x280000, high = 0x3cc000
>        Exception stack pointer = 0x3cbf68
>        %eax = 0x00000000
>        %ecx = 0x00000020
>        %edx = 0x0000000c
>        %ebx = 0x0c0004ce
>        %esp = 0x003cbf68
>        %ebp = 0x003cbf84
>        %esi = 0x0c0dc42e
>        %edi = 0x0c08afbe
>        %eip = 0x00019da2
>        %eflags = 0x00010246
>        %cs = 0x001b
>        %ds = 0x0023
>        %ss = 0x0023
>        %es = 0x0023
>        %fs = 0x001f
>        %gs = 0x000f
>        %ebx (arg_z) = *XLOAD-STARTUP-FILE*
>        %esi (arg_y) = #<6-element vector subtag = #x42 @#x0C0DC42E ()>
>        ------
>        %edi (fn) = #<Function COLD-LOAD-BINDING-INDEX #x0C08AFBE>
>        ------
>        %ecx (temp0) = 8
>        %edx (temp1) = 3
>        ------
>        %edx (nargs) = 3 (maybe)
>        f0: 0x00000000 (0.000000e+00), 0x0000000000000000 (0.000000e+00)
>        f1: 0x00000000 (0.000000e+00), 0x0000000000000000 (0.000000e+00)
>        f2: 0x431de50e (1.578947e+02), 0x00000000431de50e (5.563341e-315)
>        f3: 0x00000000 (0.000000e+00), 0x0000000000000000 (0.000000e+00)
>        f4: 0xffffffff (nan), 0xffffffffffffffff (nan)
>        f5: 0xffffffff (nan), 0xffffffffffffffff (nan)
>        f6: 0x7b5d36d2 (1.148609e+36), 0xbfffecc87b5d36d2 (-1.995308e+00)
>        f7: 0xacb9c110 (-5.279450e-12), 0xbffff201acb9c110 (-1.996584e+00)
>        mxcsr = 0x00001920
>        Lisp memory areas:
>                        code                  low                 high
>                 dynamic (9)            0xc0c04c0            0xd0d0000
>                 dynamic (9)            0xc0c04c0            0xc0c04c0
>                 dynamic (9)            0xc0c04c0            0xc0c04c0
>                 dynamic (9)            0xc000000            0xc0c04c0
>                  static (8)              0x12000              0x14000
>          managed static (7)            0x8000000            0x8000000
>                readonly (4)            0x4000000            0x8000000
>                  tstack (3)             0x3cd000             0x42f000
>                  vstack (2)             0x280000             0x3cc000
>                  cstack (1)           0xbfe9c000           0xbfffec5c
>        Lisp kernel svn revision: 15461
>        Can't find symbol.
>        current thread: tcr = 0x379b8, native thread ID = 0x707, interrupts disabled
>        (#x003CBF84) #x0C0105D5 : #<Function %WALK-DYNAMIC-AREA #x0C01055E> + 119
>        (#x003CBF98) #x0C010735 : #<Function WALK-DYNAMIC-AREA #x0C0106A6> + 143
>        (#x003CBFC4) #x0C08BD7D : #<Function %MAP-AREAS #x0C08BB16> + 615
>        (#x003CBFE4) #x0C09F2CD : #<Anonymous Function #x0C09EF0E> + 959
> While executing: REBUILD-CCL, in process listener(1).
> Type :POP to abort, :R for a list of available restarts.
> Type :? for other options.
1 > 

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro
raffaelcavallaro at me.com

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