[Openmcl-devel] Read all available input from socket stream?

Zach Beane xach at xach.com
Wed Jul 24 05:59:24 PDT 2013

Gary Byers <gb at clozure.com> writes:

> Here's a very simple test case that tries to do something similar to
> what your code is apparently trying to do.
> ;---
> (defun server ()
>   (let* ((lsock (make-socket :connect :passive :local-host "localhost" :local-port 40000 :reuse-address t))
>          (data (make-array 10 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
>     (dotimes (i 10) (setf (aref data i) i))
>     (let* ((stream (accept-connection lsock :wait t)))
>       (write-sequence data stream)
>       (when t
>         (sleep 5)
>         (write-sequence data stream))
>       (close stream)
>       (close lsock))))
> (defun test ()
>   (process-run-function "server" #'server)
>   (let* ((stream (make-socket :remote-host "localhost" :remote-port 40000))
>          (data (make-array 19 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
>          (n (read-sequence data stream)))
>     (close stream)
>     (format t "~& requested 19 octets, got ~d" n)))
> ;---
> Calling (TEST) shoud pause for ~5 seconds, then report that it requested
> and go 19 octets.  Does this fail for you ?  If not, how does the code
> that you're dealing with differ ?
> If you change the WHEN T in #'SERVER to WHEN NIL (and wait a few minutes,
> since I'm likely not using :reuse-address correctly), the server will close
> its side of the connection after writing 10 octets; READ-SEQUENCE will see
> that the stream is at EOF after those 10 octets are read.  This (EOF) is the
> only situation in which READ-SEQUENCE should return prematurely, and it's the
> only situation I'm aware of in which it does so in CCL.

Is there another function available for when you want to get the
available 10 octets immediately?


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