[Openmcl-devel] [ccl-dev] CL+SSL crashes the IDE on M1 macs

dbm at refined-audiometrics.com dbm at refined-audiometrics.com
Thu Dec 22 09:31:43 PST 2022

Been watching from the sidelines… 

...but when Lispworks migrated to ARM on Mac Monterey, all heck broke loose because Apple now enforces that GUI Screen drawing can *only* take place during the redraw callback. I got bit by a ton of my own legacy code that ran just fine on all prior versions of OSX.

 Very simple to fix - just be sure to call invalidate rather than directly drawing on the window panes. Let the callback handle the actual drawing.

- DM

> On Dec 22, 2022, at 10:12, Shannon Spires <svs at bearlanding.com> wrote:
> What about MacOS Console?
> On 12/22/22 10:07 AM, Ron Garret wrote:
>> There is no altconsole.  The application just does a hard crash, closes all windows (which is really annoying because it makes debugging much harder) and says, "The application quit unexpectedly..."
>> I've figured out that the crash happens when libssl is loaded, which is not too surprising.  (I am continually amazed that CCL under Rosetta works at all!)  But it's still weird that it only affects the IDE.
>> Next step is to figure out what foreign library file it's actually trying to load.
>> rg
>>> On Dec 22, 2022, at 8:54 AM, Shannon Spires <svs at bearlanding.com> wrote:
>>> I've had problems with cl+ssl on Intel but I think that was several versions (of cl+ssl) ago. Probably unrelated to what you're seeing now.
>>> Are you getting anything in the alt-console?
>>> On 12/22/22 9:36 AM, Ron Garret wrote:
>>>> SLSIA.  I am migrating my development to CCL 1.12.1 on an M1 Mac (using Rosetta -- still waiting for an actual M1 port).  Mostly things seem to be working but I've encountered a few odd glitches.  This is the latest one.  Loading cl+ssl (via quicklisp) crashes the IDE but not the command-line version, which is really weird.
>>>> Posting this on the off chance that someone else has encountered this and already figured out how to fix it.
>>>> rg
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