[Openmcl-devel] Threads want *terminal-io*, but do nothing once they get it.

Christian Nybø chr at nybo.no
Mon Jul 11 04:18:52 PDT 2005

On Jun 22, 2005, at 11:34, Christian Nybø wrote:

> > Break in process slave(3115): Expected newpos to be 9, fd is at 2048
> > While executing: "Unknown"
> ;;;
> ;;; #<PROCESS slave(3115) [Active] #x68BAB2E> requires access to  
> Shared Terminal Input
> ;;;
> ()
> ? (:y 3115)
> ?
> Should it not give me a debugger prompt here?

I guess I could add some context to the question above.
I run slime 1.2.1, openmcl 0.14.3, xemacs 21.4.

A thread hangs, and has output a message like the above in the  
*inferior-lisp* buffer.
With slime, I was wondering what am I supposed to do to get to the  
debugger that's waiting in the process slave(3115)?

:y calls this function from l1-streams.lisp:
(defun %%yield-terminal-to (&optional process)
   (let* ((shared-resource
       (if (typep *terminal-io* 'two-way-stream)
          (two-way-stream-input-stream *terminal-io*)))))
     (when shared-resource (%yield-shared-resource shared-resource  

When running under Slime, *terminal-io* is a synonym-stream, and  
there is no method for (two-way-stream-input-stream *terminal-io*)

I changed %%yield-terminal to:

(defun %%yield-terminal-to (&optional process)
   (let* ((stream (if (typep *terminal-io* 'synonym-stream)
              (symbol-value (synonym-stream-symbol *terminal-io*))
       (if (typep stream 'two-way-stream)
            (two-way-stream-input-stream stream)))))
     (when shared-resource (%yield-shared-resource shared-resource  

and then (:y <process>) works in Slime.

(:y) does not work yet, though, because there's a misplaced paren in  
the definition of the toplevel command :y in l1-readloops-lds.lisp:

     :global y (&optional p) "Yield control of terminal-input to process
whose name or ID matches <p>, or to any process if <p> is null"
     (if p
     (let* ((proc (find-process p)))
       (%%yield-terminal-to proc)    ;may be nil
       (%%yield-terminal-to nil))))

As written above, that last IF is a WHEN, I suppose it should be:

     :global y (&optional p) "Yield control of terminal-input to process
whose name or ID matches <p>, or to any process if <p> is null"
     (if p
     (let* ((proc (find-process p)))
       (%%yield-terminal-to proc))    ;may be nil
     (%%yield-terminal-to nil)))

;; or, as I am still in school:

     :global y (&optional p) "Yield control of terminal-input to process
whose name or ID matches <p>, or to any process if <p> is null"
     (%%yield-terminal-to (when p (find-process p)))) ;may be nil

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