[Openmcl-devel] Transfer the contents of a file to a tcp stream

Gary Byers gb at clozure.com
Tue May 3 14:22:52 PDT 2005

On Tue, 3 May 2005 rm at fabula.de wrote:

> On Tue, May 03, 2005 at 09:07:26PM +0100, Richard Newman wrote:
>> Just a thought -- the calculated speed of a transfer includes the setup
>> and tear-down times for the connection, as far as I can see.
>> I don't know how big that file is, but try it with one that's 50MB or
>> more, so that the transfer time becomes more significant. It might be
>> that you're optimising the wrong part of your program.
>> Failing that... profile!
>> -R
> Well, even without the setup/teardown of the this OpenMCL will hardly
> erver reach Apache (BTW, how would teardown affect the measured time?).
> When sending _files_ (not content from memory) Apache tries hard to
> use a sendfile(2) or  similar techniques (depending on the underlying OS).
> When sendfile is used the kernel is instructed to copy (send) a file directly
> from one file descriptor to another. First of all, with this trick data
> never has to cross the (expensive) border between kernel space and userspace
> (as opposed to crossing it twice in the OpenMCL sample code). On a reasonably
> smart OS that data might even never pass the kernel but travers via DMA from
> disk to network card.
> Of course, since OpenMCL has a nice FFI interface it would be trivial to
> call sendfile from it .... but that would be cheatin' :-)
> Cheers Ralf Mattes

Hmm.  I was just about to recommend cheating (using sendfile) if it's
available (it's available on Linux, but doesn't seem to be there on

Apache seems to try to use sendfile if it's available, and apparently
tries to partially emulate it if it isn't.  (I'm not sure what's
involved in that emulation; at a minimum, it'd probably involve having
the file and socket share a single userspace buffer.)

If Apache's cheating (doing something other than an #_fread/#_fwrite
loop), it seems pretty reasonable for Christan's server to do so as
well.  I imagine that a lot of effort's been put into getting Apache
to cheat efficiently, and that it'd be worth looking into exactly
how it does that.

If one has one's hands on a CL STREAM s, the generic function
(CCL::STREAM-DEVICE s direction) - where "direction" is one of
:INPUT, :OUTPUT, or NIL - returns the underlying file descriptor.
(Yes, this should be exported and documented.)  You can cheat a bit
by doing something like:

(defun copy-file-to-socket (file-stream socket-stream)
   (let* ((file-fd (ccl::stream-device file-stream :input))
          (socket-fd (ccl::stream-devices socket-stream :output))
 	 (bufsize 8192)) ; arbitrary
     (force-output socket-stream) ; flush any buffered output
     (%stack-block ((buffer bufsize))
     ;; You could just say (#_lseek ...) here, but Linux's
     ;; #_lseek may have difficulty with large file offsets.
     (ccl::fd-lseek file-fd 0 #$SEEK_SET)
       (let* ((nread (#_read file-fd buf bufsize)))
         (cond ((zerop nread) (return))
               ((minusp nread)(error ...))
               (t (let* ((nwritten (#_write socket-fd buf nread)))
                    (when (< nwritten nread)
                           ;;; Handle partial writes, errors

That's an artist's conception and may be a little buggy, but using
a single buffer and bypassing most of the buffered stream overhead
might get things -closer- to Apache's performance.

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