[Openmcl-devel] restart cases not visible

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Tue Apr 18 12:15:47 PDT 2006

Hi I cant figure out how i get restart-case :report choices listed in  
openmcl 1.0. Ive tried formatting to  explicit stream like *terminal- 
io* and *standard-output* but never see my restarts listed. the test  
does work in sbcl and clisp but maybe im not doing something  
correctly. Whatever solution i need will eventually have to work  
under a callback from a non-repl process.
thanks for any help

( defun foo (data )
	    #'(lambda (c)
		(declare (ignore c))
		(format t "~&> Caught error under RTS callback!~%")

	(eval data))

    (abort-rts ()
       :report "Abort RTS, stopping scheduler."
      1 )
     (flush-queue ()
       :report "Flush pending events from scheduler."
     (remove-callback ()
       :report "Remove callback function."
     (reset-callback (fn)
       :report "Specify new callback function."
       (lambda ()
	(format t "Enter a function of 3 args: ")
	(multiple-value-list (eval (read *query-io*)))

? (foo '(/ 1 0))

 > Caught error under RTS callback!
 > Error in process listener(1): DIVISION-BY-ZERO detected
 >                               performing 'TRUNCATE on (1 0)
 > While executing: CCL::DIVIDE-BY-ZERO-ERROR
 > Type :POP to abort.
Type :? for other options.
1 > :?
(:V N FRAME-NUMBER)  Return value <n> in frame <frame-number>
(:F N)  Show backtrace frame <n>
(:C N)  Choose restart <n>
(:SET N FRAME VALUE)  Set <n>th item of frame <frame> to <value>
:R     list restarts
:Q     return to toplevel
:GO    continue
:POP   exit current break loop
:?     help
:PWD   Print the pathame of the current directory
(:CD DIR)  Change to directory DIR
(:PROC &OPTIONAL P)  Show information about specified process <p>/all  
(:KILL P)  Kill process whose name or ID matches <p>
(:Y &OPTIONAL P)  Yield control of terminal-input to process
whose name or ID matches <p>, or to any process if <p> is null
1 >

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