[Openmcl-devel] Import Question

Brent Fulgham bfulg at pacbell.net
Thu Dec 14 22:19:50 PST 2006

I've done a "(require 'cocoa)" in a program, which I can see loads  
the "examples/objc-clos" file.  But when I attempt to use anything  
from the file I get an error:

;;; From ccl/examples/objc-clos.lisp:

(defstruct (ns-point (:constructor make-ns-point (x y)))

(defun ns-make-point (x y)
   (make-ns-point (coerce x 'single-float) (coerce y 'single-float)))


If I load the routines:

;Loading #P"openmcl/compat.lisp"...
;Loading #P"/opt/local/share/openmcl/1.1/examples/cocoa.lisp"...
;Loading #P"/opt/local/share/openmcl/1.1/examples/fake-cfbundle- 
;Loading #P"/opt/local/share/openmcl/1.1/examples/objc-support.lisp"...
;Loading #P"/opt/local/share/openmcl/1.1/examples/bridge.lisp"...
;Loading #P"/opt/local/share/openmcl/1.1/examples/objc-runtime.lisp"...
;Loading #P"/opt/local/share/openmcl/1.1/library/splay-tree.lisp"...
;Loading #P"/opt/local/share/openmcl/1.1/examples/name- 
;Loading #P"/opt/local/share/openmcl/1.1/examples/process-objc- 
;Loading #P"/opt/local/share/openmcl/1.1/examples/objc-clos.lisp"...
[ ... ]

Welcome to OpenMCL Version 1.1-pre-061110 (DarwinPPC32)!
? (ccl::ns-make-point 0.1 0.2)
 > Error: Undefined function CCL::NS-MAKE-POINT called with arguments  
(0.1 0.2) .
 > While executing: CCL::TOPLEVEL-EVAL, in process Listener(4).
 > Type :GO to continue, :POP to abort, :R for a list of available  
 > If continued: Retry applying CCL::NS-MAKE-POINT to (0.1 0.2).
 > Type :? for other options.

I don't see any 'package declarations that would help me figure out  
if these things are exported.  I'm sure this has an obvious answer,  
but I'm not seeing what I'm doing wrong...



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