[Openmcl-devel] check-defmethod-congruency error message

Hamilton Link helink at sandia.gov
Mon Jan 23 07:23:03 PST 2006

As the Apache devs would say, +1 to this.  I like the new lambda list 
message, the shorter Error: prompt and indentation to match, and the 
process information moved to be with the context information.

>>Error: Lambda list of method #<STANDARD-METHOD STREAM-WRITE-STRING (T T)>, 
>>       which is (STREAM STRING &OPTIONAL (START 0)),
>>       is incompatible with that of the generic function STREAM-WRITE-STRING, 
>looks kind of wrong, but the shorter prefix makes it more likely that a long/
>multiline error message will be readable.
>Another approach would be to always print process context info, but to
>print it along with other context info, e.g.:
>>While executing: CHECK-DEFMETHOD-CONGRUENCY in process listener(1).
>When dealing with the standard tty environment, the process context is
>almost "dog bites man".  As everyone knows, it's the "man bites dog"
>(error/warning occurred in some process other than the listener) case
>that's generally more newsworthy.
>Whether it's always printed or not, I think I'd rather see the process
>info -not- causing long error messages to be even harder to read.  Does
>anyone object to this change, or know offhand if it would break existing
>code (SLIME, possibly ?)
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