[Openmcl-devel] slow read-char

Gary Byers gb at clozure.com
Thu Jul 20 14:38:57 PDT 2006

It's tricky to bootstrap a few of those changes (I actually managed
to produce images that were much less functional than yours seems to
be ...).

I'd guess that the particular problem you're seeing has to do with the
fact that some newly redefined macros defined in
ccl/level-1/l1-streams.lisp (the low-level stream code) weren't in
effect when the file-stream code in ccl/level-1/l1-sysio.lisp was
compiled.  (Those macros should probably be moved to a file that's
compiled and loaded before code that uses them is compiled.)

I'd ordinarily say "well, since the new macro definitions are
present in the image your made, re-compiling everything should
fix file-streams."  However, with file-streams broken, recompiling
is likely to be difficult.

Ordinarily, if I make a change that's hard to bootstrap (like this) I
try to make binaries available soon after.  In this case, I want to
try to break a few more things soon (so those binaries would become
obsolete in a few hours), and wanted to advise anyone trying to build
from bleeding-edge CVS to wait until the dust settles and things
stop breaking every few hours.  (That'll probably be at least another
day or so.)

On Thu, 20 Jul 2006, Eric Marsden wrote:

>>>>>> "gb" == Gary Byers <gb at clozure.com> writes:
>  gb> The bad news is that these changes (to the bleeding-edge CVS tree)
>  gb> are already a little hard to bootstrap and that some further
>  gb> changes would be worth persuing; it may be a few days before the
>  gb> dust settles and new images/snapshots are available.
>  today's changes seem to have broken streams on AMD64 (maybe just my
>  not building properly?).
> Welcome to OpenMCL Version 1.1-pre-060720 (Beta: LinuxX8664)!
> ? (with-open-file (f "/tmp/foo" :direction :output) (write-char #\f f))
>> Error: value NIL is not of the expected type CCL::RECURSIVE-LOCK.
>> While executing: CCL::RECURSIVE-LOCK-PTR, in process listener(1).
>> Type :POP to abort, :R for a list of available restarts.
>> Type :? for other options.
> 1 > :b
> (2AAAAACBBA58) : 3 (OPEN "/tmp/foo" [...]) 853
> (2AAAAACBBB38) : 4 (FUNCALL #'#<Anonymous Function #x300004BF0DEF>) 269
> (2AAAAACBBB88) : 5 (TOPLEVEL-EVAL '(WITH-OPEN-FILE # #) [...]) 429
> (2AAAAACBBBD8) : 6 (READ-LOOP [...]) 1869
> (2AAAAACBBE10) : 8 (FUNCALL #'#<Anonymous Function #x3000043575AF>) 133
> (2AAAAACBBE28) : 9 (FUNCALL #'#<Anonymous Function #x300004436DCF>) 1733
> (2AAAAACBBEC8) : 10 (RUN-PROCESS-INITIAL-FORM #<PROCESS listener(1) [Active] #x300004BDA14D> '(#)) 709
> (2AAAAACBBF48) : 11 (FUNCALL #'#<Anonymous Function #x30000438791F> #<PROCESS listener(1) [Active] #x300004BDA14D> '(#)) 397
> (2AAAAACBBF98) : 12 (FUNCALL #'#<Anonymous Function #x3000043461DF>) 365
> -- 
> Eric Marsden
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