[Openmcl-devel] ICU sketch
Takehiko Abe
keke at gol.com
Thu Apr 19 21:14:45 PDT 2007
;;; I played with ICU. <http://icu-project.org/>
;;; The codes below define:
;;; unorm-normalize
;;; unorm-compare
;;; for normalization and
;;; ucol-strcoll
;;; for collation.
;;; Written and (only very casually) tested on Mac OSX 3.9 + OpenMCL
;;; Version 1.1-pre-070214 (DarwinPPC32)
;;; About libicucore.dylib:
;;; ICU is preinstalled on Mac OSX Panther as
;;; /usr/lib/libicucore.dylib (I don't know about Tiger or Leopard)
;;; It is probably compiled as 32-bit library. So it won't work for
;;; OpenMCL 64bit version.
;;; The source of this apple version is available at
;;; <http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/>
(open-shared-library "/usr/lib/libicucore.dylib")
;;; The standard ICU is available at icu-project.org. The straight
;;; build produces several shared libs and they should be placed in a
;;; standard location (e.g. /usr/local/lib). There are some
;;; dependencies among them.
;; ccl::%copy-ivector-to-ptr would be much simpler and more
;; efficient.
(defun %init-utf-16-ptr (ptr string)
(loop for char across string
with ptr = (%inc-ptr ptr 0)
(let ((code (char-code char)))
(if (< #xFFFF code)
(setf (%get-word ptr)
(logior #xD800
(ash (- code #x10000) -10))
(%get-word ptr 2)
(logior #xDC00
(logand #x3FF code)))
(%incf-ptr ptr 2))
(setf (%get-word ptr) code)))
(%incf-ptr ptr 2)))
(defmacro with-utf-16-ptrs ((&rest specs) &body body)
(let ((ptr-vars ())
(strings ())
(size-vars ())
(inits ())
(i 0))
(dolist (spec specs)
(destructuring-bind (ptr-var size-var string)
(let ((string-var (make-symbol (format nil "STRING-~D" i))))
(push `(,ptr-var ,size-var) ptr-vars)
(push `(,string-var ,string) strings)
(push `(,size-var (1- (ccl::cstring-encoded-length-in-bytes
,(get-character-encoding :utf-16)
,string-var nil nil)))
(push `(%init-utf-16-ptr ,ptr-var ,string-var) inits))
(incf i)))
`(let ,strings
(let ,size-vars
(%stack-block ,ptr-vars
, at inits
, at body)))))
;; %copy-ptr-to-ivector would be much simpler and more
;; effcient.
(defun %string-from-utf-16-ptr (ptr byte-size)
(let ((len 0))
;; check length
(do* ((i 0 (+ i 1))
(c 0 (+ c 2))
(code (%get-unsigned-word ptr c)
(%get-unsigned-word ptr c))
(word-size (ash byte-size -1)))
((= i word-size))
;; malformed inputs:
;; What to do when we get a malformed sequence?
;; Should provide restarts:
;; -- put the standard replacement char #\U+FFFD
;; -- let user to choose replacement char.
;; -- ??
((<= #xD800 code #xDBFF)
(incf c 2)
(decf len)
(unless (<= #xDC00 (%get-unsigned-word ptr c) #xDFFF)
(error "malformed utf-16")))
((<= #xDC00 code #xDFFF)
(error "malformed utf-16")))
(incf len))
;; fill string
(let ((string (make-string len)))
(do ((i 0 (1+ i))
(c 0 (+ c 2)))
((= i len) string)
(setf (schar string i)
(let ((code (%get-unsigned-word ptr c)))
(if (<= #xD800 code #xDBFF)
(code-char (logior
(+ (ash (logand #x3FF code) 10) #x10000)
(logand #x3FF
(incf c 2)))))
(code-char code))))))))
;;; normalization -- unorm.h
;;; <http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/unorm_8h.html>
(defun unorm-normalize (source form)
(with-utf-16-ptrs ((in-str in-length source))
(let ((dst-length 0)
(nf (ecase form
((:nfd) 2)
((:nfkd) 3)
((:nfc) 4)
((:nfkc) 5))))
(rlet ((status :signed-long 0))
(setq in-length (ash in-length -1))
(setq dst-length
(external-call "_unorm_normalize"
:address in-str
:long in-length
:long nf
:long 0 ; #x20
:address (%null-ptr)
:long dst-length
:address status
(setf (%get-long status) 0)
(%stack-block ((out-str (* dst-length 2)))
(external-call "_unorm_normalize"
:address in-str
:long in-length
:long nf
:long 0 ; #x20
:address out-str
:long dst-length
:address status
(let ((error (%get-signed-long status)))
(if (or (zerop error)
(= error -124))
(%string-from-utf-16-ptr out-str (+ dst-length dst-length))
(error "icu error : ~D" error))))))))
(defun unorm-compare (string1 string2 &optional ignore-case)
(with-utf-16-ptrs ((str1 len1 string1)
(str2 len2 string2))
(rlet ((error :signed-long 0))
(external-call "_unorm_compare"
:Address str1
:long (ash len1 -1)
:address str2
:long (ash len2 -1)
:long (if ignore-case #x10000 0)
:address error
;;; collation - ucol.h
;;; <http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/ucol_8h.html>
;; locale - uloc.h
;; <http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/uloc_8h.html>
(defun uloc-set-default (locale-string)
(with-cstrs ((locale locale-string))
(rlet ((status :signed-long 0))
(external-call "_uloc_setDefault" :address locale
:address status
(zerop (%get-long status)))))
(defun uloc-get-default ()
(%get-cstring (external-call "_uloc_getDefault" :address)))
;; ucol.h
(defun ucol-open (locale)
(with-cstrs ((loc locale))
(rlet ((error :signed-long 0))
(let ((collator (external-call "_ucol_open"
:address loc
:address error
(let ((code (%get-long error)))
(if (or (zerop code)
(= -128 code)
(= -127 code))
(values collator
(ucol-close collator)
(error "icu-error: ~D" code))))))))
(defun ucol-close (collator)
(external-call "_ucol_close"
:address collator
(defmacro with-ucollator ((var &optional (locale (uloc-get-default)))
&body body)
`(let ((,var (ucol-open ,locale)))
(progn , at body)
(ucol-close ,var))))
(defun ucol-strcoll (string1 string2 collator)
(with-utf-16-ptrs ((str1 size1 string1)
(str2 size2 string2))
(external-call "_ucol_strcoll"
:address collator
:address str1
:long (ash size1 -1)
:address str2
:long (ash size2 -1)
;;; uchar.h
;;; <http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/uchar_8h.html>
(defun u-char-name (codepoint)
(%stack-block ((buffer 128))
(rlet ((error :signed-long 0))
(external-call "_u_charName"
:long codepoint
:long 2
:address buffer
:long 256
:address error)
(if (zerop (%get-long error))
(%get-cstring buffer)))))
;;; tests
;; unorm-normalize
(unorm-normalize (concatenate 'string "abc" (string #\u+FA)) :nfd)
(unorm-normalize (string #\U+D338) :nfd)
(char (unorm-normalize (unorm-normalize (string #\U+D338) :nfd)
(length (unorm-normalize (string #\Latin_Capital_Letter_A_With_Grave)
;; unorm-compare
(unorm-compare "ABC" "abc" t)
(let ((string (string (code-char #xac7a))))
(unorm-compare (unorm-normalize string :nfd)
(unorm-normalize (concatenate 'string
(string #\U+2000b)
(string #\U+ac7a))
(concatenate 'string
(string #\U+2000b)
(string #\U+ac7a))
;; collation with ucol-strcoll
;; not very interesting
(let ((names (list "DIABATE" "balke" "Bartok" "N'Doye")))
(with-ucollator (coll "en_US")
(sort names #'(lambda (str1 str2)
(minusp (ucol-strcoll str1 str2 coll))))))
;;; character name
(u-char-name #xFBF9)
(u-char-name #xD800)
"Always first steps."
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