[Openmcl-devel] libcurl init functions not found

Jimmy Miller captainthunder at gmail.com
Mon Dec 31 04:37:33 PST 2007

Opening libcurl.dylib worked.

Thanks a lot :)

On Dec 30, 2007 8:29 PM, Gary Byers <gb at clozure.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Dec 2007, Jimmy Miller wrote:
> > This might be a libcurl problem, but I'm pretty sure it's more related to CCL.
> >
> > I've installed the libcurl library, and when I try to call a foreign
> > function such as:
> >
> > (#_curl_easy_setopt)
> >
> > I get an expected error about how the foreign function was missing
> > arguments.  However, when I try to call one of the libcurl init
> > functions like
> >
> > (#_curl_easy_init)
> >
> > CCL complains that it can't resolve the foreign symbol.  The same
> > thing happens with curl_multi_init.  I've tried calling nearly every
> > other libcurl function, and all of them can be resolved, so what is
> > the problem with these two specific functions not being found?
> >
> The interfaces tell the compiler how to compile a foreign function
> call (how many arguments a foreign function takes and what the types
> of those arguments and the return value are.)
> For foreign functions that're defined in the standard C library
> (which is called libSystem on OSX and usually called libc belsewhere),
> all you need to do in order to call the function is to have the
> interfaces available: the standard C library is used by the lisp
> itself and it's loaded every time the lisp starts up.
> Other libraries may have to be explicitly opened (loaded into
> memory) before the foreign functions that they define can be called.
> ? (open-shared-library "libcurl.dylib")
> #<SHLIB libcurl.dylib #x300040F1CD5D>
> (Note that I did that on an x86-64 Leopard system; many shared
> libraries don't have 64-bit implementations on Tiger.)
> If you attempt to call a foreign function (via #_) with the
> wrong number of args, that error can be detected at compile-time
> (actually, at macroexpand time.)
> If you attempt to call a foreign function whose name can't be
> mapped to an address, that error occurs at runtime.
> If you call a foreign function with the right number/types of
> args and the library which contains that foreign function
> has been mapped into memory (allowing the function's name
> to be mapped to an address), the foreign function should
> do whatever it does and return whatever it returns.

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