[Openmcl-devel] Build Error with CVS from today

Gary Byers gb at clozure.com
Sat Feb 10 21:03:28 PST 2007

I've been trying to get the Cocoa stuff working on x86-64/ppc64 Leopard;
that required a lot of low-level FFI and other changes.

The demo IDE came up on x86-64 this morning, so that round of changes
seems to be mostly complete; I just need to make sure that nothing's
grossly broken elsewhere, write release notes (which mostly have to do
with obscure details of FFI things) and package things up.

On Sat, 10 Feb 2007, Brent Fulgham wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Gary,
> Sorry to complain, but if I grovel sufficiently do you think you could be 
> persuaded to generate new snapshots soon?
> Hopefully,
> - -Brent
> On Feb 5, 2007, at 11:38 PM, Gary Byers wrote:
>> See <ftp://clozure.com/pub/testing/README-CVS-07117.txt>; I also sent
>> the same message to this list around that time.
>> Bleeding-edge CVS was supposed to have been hard to bootstrap from
>> for a few days; it's been a few weeks (some of the FFI changes were
>> more extensive than I'd thought they'd need to be.)  I still think
>> that new snapshots will be available "in a few days."
>> On Sat, 3 Feb 2007, Brent Fulgham wrote:
>>> I updated from CVS today, and got the following error when executing:
>>> 32-bit PPC:
>>> ? (ccl::rebuild-ccl :full t)
>>> ;Building lisp-kernel ...
>>> [ ... ]
>>> ;Compiling "/opt/local/share/openmcl/1.1/lib/defstruct-lds.lisp"...
>>> ;Loading #P"/opt/local/share/openmcl/1.1/bin/defstruct-lds.dfsl"...
>>> ;Compiling "/opt/local/share/openmcl/1.1/lib/foreign-types.lisp"...
>>>> Error: Array index 12 out of bounds for #S(FOREIGN-TYPE-
>>> DATA :TRANSLATORS #<HASH-TABLE :TEST EQ size 16/60 #x8402FF6> :KIND-
>>> INFO #<HASH-TABLE :TEST EQ size 25/60 #x8402D16> :DEFINITIONS #<HASH-
>>> TABLE :TEST EQ size 25/60 #x8402A36> :STRUCT-DEFINITIONS #<HASH-
>>> TABLE :TEST EQ size 3/60 #x8402756> :UNION-DEFINITIONS #<HASH-
>>> TABLE :TEST EQ size 0/60 #x8402476> :ENUM-DEFINITIONS #<HASH-
>>> TABLE :TEST EQ size 0/60 #x8402196> :INTERFACE-DB-DIRECTORY
>>> "ccl:darwin-headers;" :INTERFACE-PACKAGE-NAME "DARWIN32" :EXTERNAL-
>>>> While executing: FF-CALL, in process listener(1).
>>>> Type :POP to abort, :R for a list of available restarts.
>>>> Type :? for other options.
>>> 1 > (quit)
>>> 64-bit PPC:
>>> ? (ccl::rebuild-ccl :full t)
>>> ;Building lisp-kernel ...
>>> [ ... ]
>>> ;Loading #P"/opt/local/share/openmcl/1.1/bin/ppc-lap.d64fsl"...
>>> ;Compiling "/opt/local/share/openmcl/1.1/compiler/PPC/ppc-
>>> backend.lisp"...
>>> ;Loading #P"/opt/local/share/openmcl/1.1/bin/ppc-backend.d64fsl"...
>>> ;Compiling "/opt/local/share/openmcl/1.1/compiler/PPC/PPC64/ppc64-
>>> backend.lisp"...
>>> ;Loading #P"/opt/local/share/openmcl/1.1/bin/ppc64-backend.d64fsl"...
>>> ;Compiling "/opt/local/share/openmcl/1.1/compiler/PPC/PPC64/ppc64-
>>> vinsns.lisp"...
>>>> Error: subprim named .SPPOWEROPEN-FFCALL-RETURN-REGISTERS not found.
>>>> While executing: %SUBPRIM-NAME->OFFSET, in process listener(1).
>>>> Type :POP to abort, :R for a list of available restarts.
>>>> Type :? for other options.
>>> 1 >
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>>> Openmcl-devel at clozure.com
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