[Openmcl-devel] Two quick questions
Ralf Stoye
stoye at stoye.com
Sun Nov 4 14:07:34 PST 2007
Am 04.11.2007 um 20:12 schrieb Ron Garret:
> 1. What is the difference between marked and selected text in an
> NSTextInput object?
Documentation on this Topic:
found this by googling for "cocoa selected text marked text", sixth
link was inside Apple's Documentation: ("Text Editing Programming
Guide for Cocoa") and seemed appropriate, there i found:
"An additional aspect of selection, related to input management, is
the range of marked text. As the input manager interprets keyboard
input, it can mark incomplete input in a special way. The text view
displays this marked text differently from the selection, using
temporary attributes that affect only display, not layout or storage.
For example, NSTextView uses marked text to display a combination
key, such as Option-E, which places an acute accent character above
the character entered next. When the user types Option-E, the text
view displays an acute accent in a yellow highlight box, indicating
that it is marked text, rather than final input. When the user types
the next character, the text view displays it as a single accented
character, and the marked text highlight disappears. The markedRange
method returns the range of any marked text, and markedTextAttributes
returns the attributes used to highlight the marked text. You can
change these attributes using setMarkedTextAttributes:."
Btw, I think that most questions regarding cocoa are easily answered
by working through some tutorials or by looking up the documentation
provided by apple.
One good source of information is installing XCode and ask its
"Documentation" or read articles on cocoadevcentral.com or similar
eg. how to create a window, how to attach some controls, how to write
a draw-view-contents function,...
Here some code i wrote some years ago (2005) - maybe out of date and
*surely* very dirty - but it shows some bits about "how to use cocoa":
It creates a window with a rect ( called redball) wich is adjustable
by a slider and a colorcontrol.
The problem to draw a circle instead of an rectangle is left to the
reader ;-)
(hint: we want to create a spline -, search for spline in the web,
find NSBezierPath , search for Bezier in xcode, find
bezierPathWithOvalInRect, maybe draw it with -stroke, ...)
------------------------- snip: contents of file "redball.lisp"
;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: CCL -*-
;;; redball.lisp
;;; one of the apple examples converted...
;;; a window with a frame, change location, size and color
;;; test by loading this file and evaluate
;;; (ccl::ball-setup)
(in-package "CCL")
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(require "COCOA"))
;; ignoring the mvc we put the model into the view objects...
(defclass ball-view (ns:ns-view)
((ball-center :accessor ball-view-center :foreign-type :<NSP>oint)
(ball-radius :accessor ball-view-radius :foreign-type :float)
(ball-color :accessor ball-view-color :foreign-type :id))
(:metaclass ns:+ns-object))
;; init for cocoa
(define-objc-method ((:id :init-with-frame (:<NSR>ect frameRect))
(let ((self (send-super :init-with-frame frameRect)))
;;(format t "~% :init-with-frame was called")
(unless (%null-ptr-p self)
(setf (ball-view-center self) (make-record :<NSP>oint :x
30.0 :y 30.0)
(ball-view-radius self) 15.0
(ball-view-color self) (send (@class ns:ns-color) 'blue-color))
;; release:
;; since we allocate the ball-view-center (nspoint record) we have to
release it
(define-objc-method ((:void dealloc) ball-view)
(format T "~%deaallocing ~p" self)
(when (typep (ball-view-center self) 'macptr)
(CCL::FREE (ball-view-center self))
(setf (ball-view-center self) nil))
(send-super 'dealloc))
;; define the function called by the system to draw our ball-view:
(define-objc-method ((:void :draw-rect (:<NSR>ect rect)) ball-view)
(with-slots (ball-center ball-radius ball-color) self
(let* ((rect-x (- (rref ball-center :<nsp>oint.x)
(rect-y (- (rref ball-center :<nsp>oint.y)
(rect-wh (* 2 ball-radius)))
(slet ((ballrect (ns-make-rect rect-x rect-y rect-wh rect-wh)))
;; fill view white
(send (the ns-color (send (@class ns-color) 'white-color)) 'set)
(#_NSRectFill rect)
;; draw ball in its color
(send (the ns-color ball-color) 'set)
(send (@class ns-bezier-path) :stroke-Rect ballrect)))))
;; model: ball-set-radius
;; historically misnamed ( do-it)
(define-objc-method ((:void :do-it (:id sender)) ball-view)
;(format T "~%hello with ~a" (send sender 'double-value))
(setf (ball-view-radius self) (send sender 'float-value))
(send self :set-Needs-Display t))
;; model: set-center of ball
(define-objc-method ((:void :mouse-down (:id event))
(slet* ((event-location (send event 'location-In-Window))
(view-location (send self :convert-Point event-location :from-View
;(format T "~%got mda with x:~d and y:~d" (pref view-
location :<NSP>oint.x) (pref view-location :<NSP>oint.y))
(let ((pt (ball-view-center self)))
(setf (pref pt :<nsp>oint.x) (pref view-location :<NSP>oint.x)
(pref pt :<nsp>oint.y) (pref view-location :<NSP>oint.y))
(send self :set-Needs-Display t))))
;; model: set-color
(define-objc-method ((:void :ball-view-set-color (:id sender))
(send (ball-view-color self) 'release)
(setf (ball-view-color self) (send (send sender 'color) 'retain))
(send self :set-Needs-Display t))
;; let the user drag the center of our ball...
(define-objc-method ((:void :mouse-Dragged (:id event))
(slet* ((event-location (send event 'location-In-Window))
(view-location (send self :convert-Point event-location :from-View
;(format T "~%got mda with x:~d and y:~d" (pref view-
location :<NSP>oint.x) (pref view-location :<NSP>oint.y))
(let ((pt (ball-view-center self)))
(setf (rref pt :<nsp>oint.x) (pref view-location :<NSP>oint.x)
(rref pt :<nsp>oint.y) (pref view-location :<NSP>oint.y))
(send self :set-Needs-Display t))))
;; just for debugging: ball-setup puts some objc objects into this
vars, so we can peek around
;; eg. you can (send *last-ball-view* :do-it (2.0)
(defvar *last-ball-window* nil)
(defvar *last-ball-view* nil) ;; will contain the last generated
(defvar *last-slider* nil)
;; setup things normally setup via a nib-file:
(defun ball-setup ()
(slet ((wr (ns-make-rect 100.0 350.0 400.0 400.0)) ; window
(vr (ns-make-rect 0.0 30.0 400.0 370.0)) ; ball-view
(sr (ns-make-rect 10.0 0.0 350.0 30.0)) ; slider
(cwr (ns-make-rect 360.0 3.0 25.0 25.0))) ; colorwell
(let ((w (make-instance
:with-content-rect wr
:style-mask (logior #$NSTitledWindowMask
:backing #$NSBackingStoreBuffered
:defer t)))
(setf *last-ball-window* w)
(send w :set-title #@"Ball Window")
;; (inspect (send w 'content-view))
(let ((c-view (send w 'content-view))
(my-view (make-instance 'ball-view :with-frame vr))
(my-slider (make-instance 'ns:ns-slider :with-frame sr))
(my-colorwell (make-instance 'ns:ns-color-well :with-frame cwr)))
(setf *last-ball-view* my-view
*last-slider* my-slider)
(send my-slider :set-target my-view)
(send my-slider :set-action (@selector "doIt:"))
(send my-slider :set-min-value 10.d0)
(send my-slider :set-max-value 100.d0)
(send my-colorwell :set-target my-view)
(send my-colorwell :set-action (@selector "ballViewSetColor:"))
(send c-view :add-subview my-view)
(send c-view :add-subview my-slider)
(send c-view :add-subview my-colorwell)
; (send w :set-delegate my-view)) ;; for what??
(send w :make-key-and-order-front nil)
;; what about:
(defmacro tell (object &rest messages)
(let ((code (mapcar #'(lambda (mess) `(send ,object , at mess))
`(progn , at code)))
(tell my-slider
(:set-target my-view)
(:set-action (@selector "doIt:")))
; (ccl::ball-setup)
; (send *last-slider* 'double-Value)
------------------------- end snip: contents of file "redball.lisp"
Ralf Stoye
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