[Openmcl-devel] BUG: memory fault compiling RESTART-BIND

Eric Marsden eric.marsden at free.fr
Sun Oct 7 02:53:03 PDT 2007


There is a bad interaction between certain optimization settings and
RESTART-BIND, on Linux/AMD64, current CVS. 

| Welcome to OpenMCL Version 1.1-r7364 (LinuxX8664)!
| ?  (funcall (compile nil (lambda () (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 2))) (restart-bind nil 42))))
| 42
| ?  (funcall (compile nil (lambda () (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 2) (safety 0))) (restart-bind nil 42))))
| > Error: Fault during write to memory address #x1090
| > While executing: #<Anonymous Function #x300040DC615F>, in process listener(1).
| > Error: #<BOGUS object @ #x40DE14> is not a valid stack frame
| > While executing: CCL::%FRAME-BACKLINK, in process listener(1).
| > Error: #<BOGUS object @ #x40DE14> is not a valid stack frame
| > While executing: CCL::%FRAME-BACKLINK, in process listener(1).
| > Error: #<BOGUS object @ #x40DE14> is not a valid stack frame
| > While executing: CCL::%FRAME-BACKLINK, in process listener(1).
| ...

Found using Paul Dietz's random-int-form checker. 

Eric Marsden

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