[Openmcl-devel] programmatic file chooser? thanks!

Brent Fulgham bfulgham at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 22:17:35 PDT 2008

Just to take the example a bit further, if you are on Leopard you can  
even play with rudimentary CoreAnimation:

> (defun make-image-view-window ()
>   "Make a window whose content view is an empty NSImageView.  Allow
> the user to drag images to that view, and support transfer of images
> to/from the view via the clipboard.  Return the NSImageView."
>   (ccl::with-autorelease-pool
>    (let* ((rect (ns:make-ns-rect 0 0 300 300))
> 	  (w (make-instance 'ns:ns-window
> 			    :with-content-rect rect
> 			    :style-mask (logior #$NSTitledWindowMask
>                                                 #$NSClosableWindowMask
>                                                 # 
> $NSMiniaturizableWindowMask
>                                                 # 
> $NSResizableWindowMask)
> 			    :backing #$NSBackingStoreBuffered
> 			    :defer t))
>           (image-view (make-instance 'ns:ns-image-view)))
>      ;; Set the window's title to a constant NSString (#@"...").
>      (#/setTitle: w #@"Drag or paste an image here!")
>      ;; Make the image view respond to drag-and-drop
>      (#/setEditable: image-view t)
>      ;; and make it support the clipboard
>      (#/setAllowsCutCopyPaste: image-view t)
>      ;; Make the image view be the window's "content view".
>      (#/setContentView: w (#/autorelease image-view))
>      ;; Center and display the window.
>      (#/center w)
>      (#/orderFront: w nil)
>      image-view)))

As before, load an image and tell the view to scale it:

? (defvar *view* (make-image-view-window))
? (#/image *view*)
#<NS-IMAGE NSImage 0x21eac40 Size={1600, 1280} Reps=(
     NSBitmapImageRep 0x21f4e30 Size={1600, 1280}  
ColorSpace=NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace BPS=8 BPP=24 Pixels=1600x1280  
Alpha=NO Planar=NO Format=0) (#x21EAC40)>
? (#/setImageScaling: *view* #$NSScaleToFit)

Define a new NSRect that has a different location (and shape):

? (defvar *nf* (ns:make-ns-rect 100 350 400 400))
? *NF*
#<NS-RECT 400 X 400 @ 100,350 [gcable] (#xF2BA750) #x30004213FACD>

Get the View's containing window so we can access its animation proxy:
? (defvar *W* (#/window *view*))

Now, tell Cocoa to move it around!
? (#/setFrame:display:animate: *w* *nf* #$YES #$YES)



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