[Openmcl-devel] iSight progress

Gary Byers gb at clozure.com
Tue Jan 29 22:26:09 PST 2008

This is a stab in the dark, but ...

A lot of the stuff associated with Quartz Composer seems to (somewhat
confusingly) use OpenGL (instead of Quartz).

If you minimize the window to the dock, is the image still there ?
Or do you just see a black rectangle ?

On Tue, 29 Jan 2008, Ron Garret wrote:

> I've made some progress on the iSight camera front.  This kinda-sorta works. 
> (You'll probably need to update the path to the Cam.qtz file, which I'm 
> including as an attachment to this email.)
> (defun nsstr (s) (make-instance 'gui::ns-lisp-string :string s))
> (defparameter +standard-window-style-mask+
> (logior #$NSTitledWindowMask
>         #$NSClosableWindowMask
>         #$NSMiniaturizableWindowMask
>         #$NSResizableWindowMask))
> (defun make-window (x y &optional (title "Untitled"))
> (bind (w (make-instance 'ns:ns-window
>            :with-content-rect (ns:make-ns-rect 0 0 x y)
>            :style-mask +standard-window-style-mask+
>            :backing #$NSBackingStoreBuffered
>            :defer t))
>   (#/setContentView: w (make-instance 'ns:ns-view))
>   (#/setTitle: w (nsstr title))
>   (#/center w)
>   (#/orderFront: w nil)
>   w))
> (setf w (make-window 300 200))
> (objc:load-framework "Quartz" :quartz)
> (setf qcv (make-instance 'ns:q-c-view))
> (#/loadCompositionFromFile: qcv #@"Cam.qtz")
> (#/startRendering qcv)
> (#/setContentView: w qcv)
> (setf bmrep (#/bitmapImageRepForCachingDisplayInRect:
>            qcv
>            (ns:make-ns-rect 0 0 300 200)))
> Now whenever I do this:
> (#/cacheDisplayInRect:toBitmapImageRep: qcv (ns:make-ns-rect 0 0 300 200)
>                                       bmrep)
> it updates the window with the current camera image.  Trick is, the resulting 
> image SHOULD be in the bmrep bitmap, but it isn't.  bmrep is filled with 
> zeros:
> (let ((ptr (#/bitmapData bmrep)))
> (loop for i from 0 below (* 300 200 4) sum (%get-byte ptr i)))  --> 0
> This also kinda-sorta works
> (#/valueForOutputKey: qcv #@"ImageOutput")
> The resulting image resembles the current camera image, but with some very 
> weird artifacts.
> Any hints on how to proceed from here would be much appreciated.
> rg

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