[Openmcl-devel] class precedence list

Arthur W Cater arthur.cater at ucd.ie
Tue Jun 17 04:00:46 PDT 2008

Loading the following:

; -----
(defclass mymix () ())

(defclass mysuper (mymix) ())

(defclass myclass (mymix mysuper) ())
; -----

causes an error
> Error: Inconsistent superclasses for #<STANDARD-CLASS MYCLASS>
> While executing: CCL::COMPUTE-CPL, in process Listener(5).

I believe it is legal, but stand to be corrected. It compiles ok.

(I run Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.2-r9610M-RC1,
cocoa application image, G4 powerbook, OS 10.4.11)


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