[Openmcl-devel] Another linux86-32: signed doubleword parameters.

David Brown lisp at davidb.org
Wed Oct 15 17:41:11 PDT 2008

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 01:08:20AM -0600, Gary Byers wrote:

>> The only thing I haven't done is try running this code on another
>> 32-bit system.  I'll need to build sbcl on the 32-bit machine to see
>> if I can figure out what this might show.
> If the bug was in your code, that might show something.

Ok. I've gotten SBCL 32-bit installed, and the tests run without any
evidence of problems.  I can think of two possibilities:

   - The problem is somewhere inside of ccl, whether the kernel or
     somewhere in a library somewhere.

   - SBCL on 32-bit uses a conservative garbage collector, so it isn't
     going to be moving things around, so I could have a bug that
     doesn't show up.

But, given that ccl 32-bit is the only platform I see the problem on,
It's my suspicion.  It's just getting to be difficult to reproduce
consistently enough.

One question, if I do end up getting a breakpoint on a bogus object,
how can I inspect or evaluate the things in the stack frames (or even
refer to them)?


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