[Openmcl-devel] bad impressions to Lisp newbies

Alexander Repenning ralex at cs.colorado.edu
Mon Apr 27 17:30:37 PDT 2009

This would be the complete LUI version of OpenGL FFI:

;;; LUI/OpenGL example: Sierpinski Triangles (based on Example openmcl  
FFI by hamlink)
;;; Alexander Repenning 04/27/09

(in-package :xlui)

(defclass SIERPINSKI (opengl-dialog)
   ((iterations :accessor iterations :initform 5000 :type integer)))

(defmethod INIT ((Self sierpinski))
   (glColor3f 1.0 0.0 0.0)
   (aim-camera (camera Self) :eye-z 1000.0))

(defmethod DRAW ((Self sierpinski))
   (let ((bounds #2a((0.0 0.0) (250.0 500.0) (500.0 0.0)))
	(point #(75.0 50.0)))
     (glBegin GL_POINTS)
     (dotimes (i (iterations Self))
       (let ((j (random 3)))
	(setf (aref point 0) (/ (+ (aref point 0) (aref bounds j 0)) 2.0)
	      (aref point 1) (/ (+ (aref point 1) (aref bounds j 1)) 2.0))
	(glVertex2f (aref point 0) (aref point 1))))

#| Examples:

<application-window title="Sierpinski Triangles" margin="0">
   <sierpinski iterations="10000"/>


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