[Openmcl-devel] Slime/Clozure/Windows C-c C-c not working

R. Matthew Emerson rme at clozure.com
Sat Jul 25 21:15:52 PDT 2009

On Jul 25, 2009, at 11:31 AM, Matt Lamari wrote:

> Platform:  Vista 64, Slime, XEmacs, latest Win64 Clozure binary.   
> Seems
> to work just fine, except:
>> From slime interactive, I can't figure a way to send a "break" to  
>> CCL.
> Even sending "C-c C-c" from the "signals" drop menu causes the  
> problem.
> C-c C-c from menu:
> ?   misc-user
> Process inferior-lisp interrupt
> C-c C-c from keyboard:
> ?   C-c C-c
> Process inferior-lisp interrupt
> In both cases, it stays polling and the lisp stays up; but the 2 have
> clearly stopped talking. . . .

I think you're typing at the *inferior-lisp* buffer and not to a SLIME  

It almost sounds to me as though SLIME isn't working for you.  (Or  
else you're not loading the slime-repl contrib on startup.)

http://trac.clozure.com/openmcl/wiki/InstallingSlime describes a  
configuration that works for me.

Using GNU Emacs 22.3 on Vista x64, C-c C-c interrupts the lisp when  
I'm typing at a SLIME repl (i.e., the buffer is named *slime-repl ccl*).

If I try to use C-c C-c in the *inferior-lisp* buffer, I see the same  
sort of behavior that you report.

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