[Openmcl-devel] A question about ticket #400

Glen Foy lisp at clairvaux.org
Sat Jun 20 10:23:42 PDT 2009

On Jun 20, 2009, at 12:44 PM, Gail Zacharias wrote:
> Yeah, here's the thing...  The API can easily provide any number of  
> functions such as save/load-buffer-as-html or save/load-buffer-as- 
> rtf or save/load-buffer-in-home-baked-format-with-font-info-encoded- 
> in-lisp-comments or whatever, stuff like that would be trivial to  
> write.  The problem is that it's not clear to me what Hemlock should  
> actually do to save the attributes, given the reality of living in a  
> unix file system.  Any thoughts?

If we are just talking about Hemlock as a source code editor, it may  
not be necessary or even desirable to distribute styled files.   
Everyone has their own idea of what source code should look like anyway.

 From that point of view, the styling information could be stored in  
an associated invisible file and distributed or not distributed as the  
author saw fit.  When hacking, Hemlock would look for the associated  
file, using it if it was there.  This would be a simple solution.

People may, however, want to use Hemlock for other purposes.  In which  
case the two file approach is not so good.

This issue clearly needs some brainstorming.

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