[Openmcl-devel] CCL rebuild for the naive

Tim Bradshaw tfb at tfeb.org
Mon Jun 29 03:14:40 PDT 2009

This is probably an idiot question.

I've been trying to write a script which will do a full CCL rebuild  
after I've done an "svn update".

Rebuilding the command-line apps is fine, you just need to do

     ccl -n -e '(progn (ccl:rebuild-ccl :full t) (quit))'

and similarly for ccl64.

The IDE is a pain though.  The obvious thing:

     ccl -n -e '(require :cocoa-application)'

results in some confusion about the application trying to open a file  
called "(require :cocoa-application)".  I tried this:

     echo '(require :cocoa-application)' | ccl -n -b

which produces an application which is (I think) confused about where  
the listener output should go, as it opens the "AltConsole" thing  

Running CCL and typing "(require :cocoa-application)" works, but  
obviously not from a script (please, don't suggest using "expect"!).

Is there anything I am missing?



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