[Openmcl-devel] Type declaration question

Nikodemus Siivola nikodemus at random-state.net
Tue May 26 19:42:28 PDT 2009

2009/5/26 Dan Weinreb <dlw at itasoftware.com>:

> However, in the Hyperspec (under the section on Declaration TYPE,
> i.e., Body/d_type.htm), it is explicitly stated (in Notes) that
> "(typespec var*) is an abbreviation for (type typespec var*)".
> Indeed, it does, and that's inconsistent with section 3.3.2, so we have
> a problem.

FWIW, SBCL currently always accepts the "typespec var*" version, but
that interpretation is not particularly religiously held.

Certainly restricting "typespec var*" to standardized non-compound
type specifiers makes it considerably easier to write source
transformations in the absence of portable environment access. Not
that that has to be a concern, but...


 -- Nikodemus

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