[Openmcl-devel] DEFSTRUCT and :INCLUDE

Tim Bradshaw tfb at tfeb.org
Wed Oct 14 10:59:20 PDT 2009

On 14 Oct 2009, at 17:50, Alexander Repenning wrote:

> just curious, why even still use defstruct and not just CLOS. If one  
> does not need byte aligned data for low level data structures or to  
> squeeze out the last nano second for accessor is there some  
> compelling reason to even keep using CL structs?

I don' t know really.  I use both.  I think if I just want some thing  
with slots I can see easily and I don't want to make it much more  
complicated than that I use a DEFSRUCT, while if I want something  
which might be more complex I use DEFCLASS.  if you get it right you  
can generally replace something defined with DEFSTRUCT by something  
defined with DEFCLASS and not know.


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