[Openmcl-devel] Objective-CL
Pascal J. Bourguignon
pjb at informatimago.com
Wed Dec 22 07:28:07 PST 2010
I've been writing a couple of reader macro to implement an
Objective-Clike syntax for Common Lisp, above the ccl Objective-C
I still have finalize the processing of type specifiers (I need to learn
more about ccl FFI types), however here is already the documentation
You may find a snapshot tarball at
with the sources and the PDF of the documentation.
Eventually, it would be nice if this was distributed with ccl, as a
contribution (for now it's under GPL2, but I would provide any required
license for integration with ccl).
I'd gladly read any comment about it.
.. comment: -*- mode:rst; coding:utf-8; -*-
Objective-Clike syntax for Common Lisp
The ``type-specifiers`` are not defined yet. I need to learn about
``ccl`` FFI and perhaps add a syntax, or at least improve the reading
of ``type-specifiers``. Notably, for now they're merely read in the
keyword package so we cannot give type specifiers such as: (NSRect) or
The purpose of this package is to provide a few reader macros
implementing a syntax like Objective-C to program with Objective-C FFI
such as the ``ccl`` Objective-C bridge.
The principles of the Objective-C syntax is that it is a small set of
extensions over the syntax of the base language (C in the case of
Objective-C). Namely:
- message sending expressions are put inside brackets (inspired from
Smalltalk block notation), and have basically the Smalltalk message
sending syntax.
- class declarations and definitions (interface and implementation)
and other Objective-C specific elements use keywords prefixed by the
#\\@ character.
The later is a little at odd with lisp nature, where every form is an
expression, and where parenthesized syntax is prefered. We will
therefore provide a more Smalltalk-like way to define classes and
methods (while retaining the #\\@ character as prefix for some
symbols, and as a reader macro to read Objective-C string literals).
Two reader macros are provided:
- a reader macro bound to #\\[ is used to parse message sending
expressions, just like in Objective-C, but since the underlying
language is lisp, sub-expressions starting with parentheses are read
just like normal sexps (they may further contain Objective-CL syntax).
- a reader macro bound to #\\@ which is used to read:
- an Objective-C literal strings when followed by a double-quote
starting a lisp string.
- a class or method definition expression, when followed by an
opening bracket #\\[. The syntax used for these definition
expression is similar to the message sending syntax, but it's
processed more like a special operator or macro than a real
message sending: the sub-expression are evaluated with different
rules that depend on the operation. It's called a pseudo-message.
- a normal lisp symbol otherwise.
These reader macros expand to normal lisp forms, using symbols
exported from a portability layer package, nicknamed OCLO, which
should be implemented specifically for each Objective-C bridge or FFI.
The implementation of this bridge is out of scope of these syntax-
providing reader macros.
Message Sending
The syntax is: ::
objcl-message-expr := '[' message-send ']' .
message-send := recipient message .
recipient := sexp | class-name | 'super' | 'self' .
class-name := objcl-identifier .
message := simple-selector | compound-selector final-arguments .
simple-selector := objcl-identifier .
compound-selector := objcl-identifier ':' sexp compound-selector
| objcl-identifier ':' sexp .
final-arguments := | '(' type-identifier ')' sexp final-arguments .
type-identifier := symbol .
-- FIXME type-identifier; perhaps we need:
-- type-identifier := symbol | symbol sexp .
-- for example: (char *)cString (array (int 10))tenInts ?
-- Check with what is available at the FFI/bridge level.
An ``objcl-identifier`` is a case sensitive identifier that is converted
to a lisp symbol according to the rules of Objective-C to Common Lisp
identifier translation.
A ``sexp`` is a normal lisp expression, which might be another message
sending bracketed expression (or another Objective-CL form).
There should be no space between the ``objcl-identifier`` and the colon.
After the first ``objcl-identifier`` in a compound-selector, the
remaining ``objcl-identifiers`` can be absent, in which case the colon
must be separated from the previous expression by a space.
When recipient is ``super``, an ``(oclo:send-super self ...)`` form is returned.
FIXME document the other forms returned.
Examples: ::
[self update]
[window orderFront:sender]
[array performSelector:(@selector "drawRect:") withObject:rect]
(let ((o [[NSObject alloc] init]))
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:o (id)o (id)o (id)nil])
'[array performSelector:(@selector "drawRect:") withObject:rect]
Class definition
Classes are created by sending a ``subClass:slots:`` pseudo-message to its superclass.
The syntax is : ::
objcl-definition := '@[' class-definition | instance-method-definition | class-method-definition ']' .
class-definition := super-class-name 'subClass:' class-name 'slots:' '(' slots ')' .
class-name := objcl-identifier .
super-class-name := objcl-identifier .
slots := | slot slots .
slot := lisp-slot | objcl-slot .
lisp-slot := slot-specifier . -- see clhs defclass.
-- objcl-slot := ... -- not defined yet.
-- We'd want some simplified definition, and using Obj-C names.
Examples: ::
@[NSObject subClass:SpaceShip
slots:((position :accessor ship-position :initform (make-position))
(speed :accessor ship-speed :initform 0.0))]
Method definition
Class and instance methods are defined by sending a pseudo-message to
the class, either ``method:resultType:body:`` to create an instance
method, or ``classMethod:resultType:body:`` to create a class method.
The syntax is : ::
objcl-definition := '@[' class-definition | instance-method-definition | class-method-definition ']' .
instance-method-definition := class-name 'method:' '(' signature ')'
'resultType:' '(' type-identifier ')'
'body:' body .
class-method-definition := class-name 'classMethod:' '(' signature ')'
'resultType:' '(' type-identifier ')'
'body:' body .
class-name := objcl-identifier .
signature := simple-signature | compound-signature final-signature .
simple-signature := objcl-identifier .
compound-signature := objcl-identifier ':' '(' type-identifier ')' objcl-identifier compound-signature
| objcl-identifier ':' '(' type-identifier ')' objcl-identifier .
final-signature := '&rest' objcl-identifier .
body := | sexp body .
-- FIXME type-identifier; perhaps we need:
-- type-identifier := symbol | symbol sexp .
-- for example: (char *)cString (array (int 10))tenInts ?
-- Check with what is available at the FFI/bridge level.
There should be no space between the ``objcl-identifier`` and the colon.
After the first ``objcl-identifier`` in a compound-selector, the
remaining ``objcl-identifiers`` can be absent, in which case the colon
must be separated from the previous expression by a space.
Examples: ::
@[SpaceShip classMethod:(shipAtPosition:(Position)aPosition)
body:(let ((new-ship [[self alloc] init]))
[new-ship setPosition:aPosition]
@[SpaceShip method:(moveToward:(Direction)aDirection atSpeed:(double)velocity)
body:(let ((new-pos [[self position] offset:...]))
(do-something new-pos)
[self setPosition:new-pos])]
String literals
The syntax read is: ::
objcl-string-literal := '@"' { character } '"' .
A CL string is read (ie. with the same escaping rules as normal CL
strings), and an (oclo:@ "string") form is returned.
Examples: ::
@"String with \"quotes\" and \\ backslash."
@"String with
new lines"
__Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/
A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.
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