[Openmcl-devel] Unexpeted behaviour when running Hunchentoot example on windows

Hans Hübner hans.huebner at gmail.com
Mon Feb 15 01:55:29 PST 2010


are you using the latest version of Hunchentoot?  I have just checked
that we are normally ignoring usocket:timeout-error in
hunchentoot:read-initial-request-line, so the error should not
propagate to the debugger (unless hunchentoot:*catch-errors-p* is

This could be considered a bug, though:  Even when debugging, one does
not want to end up in the debugger when a usock:timeout-error or
end-of-file is signalled in hunchentoot:read-initial-request-line.
Both are normal conditions that occur when the browser decides to
close a persistent connection or does not send a new request within
the timeout configured on the server.

Please let us know if you use the latest version of Hunchentoot
(available from http://bknr.net/svn/ediware) and whether you have set
hunchentoot:*catch-errors-p* to nil).


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