[Openmcl-devel] How to make an alert accessory view be first responder

Raffael Cavallaro raffaelcavallaro at mac.com
Tue Feb 16 11:31:15 PST 2010

On Feb 16, 2010, at 1:43 PM, Ron Garret wrote:

> The problem with trying to do this in the obvious way is that the window doesn't actually exist until #/runModal is called.  But by then it's too late.

Right you are. Reading the docs, the key is to call #/layout before #/runModal:

(defun get-string-dialog (msg &optional (default ""))
 (let ((alert (make-instance 'ns:ns-alert))
       (tf (#/initWithFrame: (make-instance 'ns:ns-text-field)
                             (ns:make-ns-rect 0 0 400 25))))
   (#/setStringValue: tf (ccl::%make-nsstring default))
   (#/setEditable: tf #$YES)
   (#/setMessageText: alert (ccl::%make-nsstring msg))
   (#/addButtonWithTitle: alert #@"OK")
   (#/setAccessoryView: alert tf)
   (#/layout alert)
   (#/makeFirstResponder: (#/window alert) tf) 
   (#/runModal alert) 
   (CCL::LISP-STRING-FROM-NSSTRING (#/stringValue tf))))

This ensures that the alert window is actually composed eagerly rather than lazily just prior to display. As long as you call #/layout, then #/makeFirstResponder:, then #/runModal, you get the desired result (at least, it works correctly for me on Clozure CL64 and Clozure CL32.

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro
raffaelcavallaro at me.com

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