[Openmcl-devel] new to lisp pointers needed

John Federico johnrico at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 16:26:34 PST 2010


I just went through this recently on Vista 32 bit (although I set up
emacs and slime a while back).  Here is how I remember doing it:

(1) I installed emacs into its own directory on the C: drive, in my
case C:\emacs-22.2-bin-i386

(2) I installed slime into a subdirectory of the emacs folder:

(3) I installed CCL into its own directory on the C: drive, in my case C:\ccl

(4) I edited my .emacs file to add:

(setq inferior-lisp-program "c:/ccl/wx86cl.exe")
(add-to-list 'load-path "C:/emacs-22.2-bin-i386/emacs-22.2/site-lisp/slime/")
(require 'slime)

[To edit my .emacs file, I launched emacs and did c-x, f then entered
"~/.emacs" without the quotes. That put me into the correct location.
Also note that you have to use a "/" and not a "\" in emacs when
typing file paths.]

Once that is set up, you should be able to M-x slime, and it should work.


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