[Openmcl-devel] Undefined function: muting the compiler

Alexander Repenning ralex at cs.colorado.edu
Wed Nov 24 13:16:13 PST 2010

Last time Gary suggested the use of declare (ftype function as means for a forward declaration:

(declare (ftype function ... works great for most cases when one wants to call a function/method that has not been defined yet

;; we get a warning here:

(defun bla ()

;; but not here: nice!

(defun bla ()
  (declare (ftype function ble))

;; BUT what about calling setf functions, e.g., CLOS slot access functions:

(defmethod blo ((self t))
  (declare (ftype function bli))
  (setf (bli self) 666))

will still produce a warning:

;Compiler warnings :
;   In (BLO (T)) inside an anonymous lambda form: Undefined function (SETF BLI)

This simple minded variant does not work either:

(defmethod blo ((self t))
  (declare (ftype function (setf bli)))
  (setf (bli self) 666))

Is there any  way to persuade the compiler to avoid warnings?


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