[Openmcl-devel] CCL Self destructing with error: "Untitled" already exists

Gary Byers gb at clozure.com
Wed Oct 27 11:21:28 PDT 2010

Gail had an image that demonstrated the same problem, and I can reproduce

On Wed, 27 Oct 2010, Gary Byers wrote:

> Alex:
> Do you still have the image that behaves this way ?
> If so, one approach would be to figure out how to transfer it to me so
> that I can see something that can't happen happen ...
> On Wed, 27 Oct 2010, Gary Byers wrote:
>> On Tue, 26 Oct 2010, Alexander Repenning wrote:
>>> svn status cocoa-ide
>>> returns nothing. The Clozure CL32 and Clozure CL64 Apps created worked 
>>> fine
>>> for weeks. The cocoa-ide never got touched. This rules out a). b) would 
>>> not
>>> be very likely given that the problem only manifests itself after a long
>>> time (weeks) of use.?
>>> Where does the meta info go regarding hemlock buffer window position and
>>> size. Could there be some caching going on that could go bad after a 
>>> crash?
>> Window sizes and positions are stored in the preferences file.  Buffer 
>> names
>> aren't stored externally.
>> The value of the variable hi::*buffer-names* is a data structure of type
>> HI:STRING-TABLE; it maps strings to BUFFER structures.  It should always
>> have the same value when a particular image starts up (it should contain
>> exactly one entry for a buffer called "Main", which Hemlock assumes always
>> exists.)  It's very difficult to believe that for some (external) reason 
>> the image would suddenly contain an entry for a buffer called "Untitled"
>> or that the code which looks up buffer names in that table would suddenly
>> start believing that it does.
>> The code that creates the initial listener does something like:
>> ...
>> (let* ((b (make-hemlock-buffer "Untitled" ...)))
>>   ... ; "Untitled" buffer exists
>>   (rename-buffer b "Listener")
>>   ...)
>> ...
>> The buffer named "Untitled" ordinarily only exists for a brief period of
>> time.  If for some bizarre reason that code suddenly started running twice,
>> the second invocation would have to occur during the relatively short 
>> period
>> of time indicated by the comment above.  That doesn't seem too likely, 
>> either.
>> My best guess is that "something else is going on here", but that doesn't
>> exactly narrow it down too much.  I'm very skeptical that the things 
>> that're
>> involved here - most likely the code that does the buffer-name lookup - 
>> would
>> work for a while and then stop; it seems more likely that something 
>> changed,
>> but we don't know what that is.
>> r14313 was committed on September 30; r14314 was committed later that day.
>> Was ccl/Clozure Cl64.app/Contents/MacOS/dx86cl64 modified significantly
>> after that point ?
>>> Alex
>>> On Oct 26, 2010, at 9:28 PM, Gary Byers wrote:
>>>       I haven't seen or heard of this happening; I have a couple of
>>>       theories but
>>>       no real confidence that either is correct.
>>>       a) someone in your organization (Mike Minerva) was asking about
>>>       suppressing
>>>       the display of the IDE's initial listener a month or so ago. ?I
>>>       explained
>>>       some of the issues and they said that they were successful.
>>>       I don't know whether or not it makes sense to wonder whether any
>>>       of the
>>>       sources you used to build the IDE were modified when that was
>>>       going on,
>>>       but I do wonder about that. ?If you're not sure whether any of
>>>       those sources
>>>       differ from the versions you got from svn, you can check via:
>>>       $ cd CCL ???????????????# wherever it's installed
>>>       $ svn status cocoa-ide
>>>       If that generates some lines prefixed with the letter M, as in:
>>>       M ??????cocoa-ide/hemlock/src/killcoms.lisp
>>>       M ??????cocoa-ide/cocoa-utils.lisp
>>>       then the files named on those lines have been locally modified.
>>>       ?If you
>>>       see such output, you can revert to the versions you obtained
>>>       from svn by doing:
>>>       $ svn revert -R cocoa-ide
>>>       and rebuilding the IDE.
>>>       b) The error has to do with the fact that creation of the
>>>       initial listener
>>>       tries to create a Hemlock buffer with the name "Untitled"; in
>>>       your environment,
>>>       a buffer with that name already exists and an error is signaled;
>>>       that doesn't
>>>       make sense, because no other Hemlock buffers should exist at
>>>       this point in time.
>>>       The only way that I can (sort of, almost) imagine another
>>>       "Untitled" buffer
>>>       existing at this point is if it was saved in the image.
>>>       Doing
>>>       ? (require "COCOA-APPLICATION")
>>>       loads everything and starts the event loop, then almost
>>>       immediately closes any
>>>       active windows, shuts down all other threads, and saves an
>>>       image. ?It -may- be
>>>       possible for the event thread to get interrupted after it's
>>>       created an "Untitled"
>>>       buffer for the listener window that generally appears briefly at
>>>       this point but
>>>       before window creation is complete (so the window's never closed
>>>       and the buffer's
>>>       never deleted.)
>>>       I just barely believe that this is possible; if it is, it's
>>>       happening in a way
>>>       that I don't understand. ?(I don't think that the initial/event
>>>       thread can
>>>       respond to the request to shut things down while it's in the
>>>       middle of window
>>>       creation.) ?If there is a time window in the middle of window
>>>       creation where
>>>       it can respond, then I don't understand how you could have hit
>>>       that time window
>>>       when building both the 32- and 64-bit versions of the IDE.
>>>       If doing an "svn checkout" fixes things reliably, then that
>>>       pretty
>>>       strongly suggests that the version of the sources that you were
>>>       running differs from the versions available in svn. ?(In other
>>>       words,
>>>       some of your sources were locally modified.) ?I have no idea
>>>       whether
>>>       they were or not, but at this point that seems like a strong
>>>       possibility.
>>>       On Tue, 26 Oct 2010, Alexander Repenning wrote:
>>>             This is happening to me the second time. I launch
>>>             CCL (1.6-dev-r14313M-trunk
>>>             ?(DarwinX8664)) but get no Listener and cannot open
>>>             files. I installed this
>>>             version a while ago, used it for some time without a
>>>             problem. Today, after a
>>>             reboot of the machine, I get the error below. I blew
>>>             away the preferences.
>>>             Does not help. Both 64 and 32 bit versions are not
>>>             working anymore. Last
>>>             time I had to check out a complete new version of
>>>             CCL to make things work
>>>             again.
>>>             I suspect that it has something to do with the
>>>             hemlock code trying to
>>>             remember where edit windows are located on the
>>>             screen. Where is that
>>>             information stored? How can this be fixed?
>>>             Alex
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ***
>>>             Error in event process: "Untitled" already exists
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BBC0)
>>>             : 0 (FUNCALL #'#<(:INTERNAL
>>>             GUI::|-[HemlockEditorDocument ini
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             t]|)>
>>>             #<SIMPLE-ERROR #xC6726E6>) 143
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?(#:G59174)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             #:G59174: #<SIMPLE-ERROR #xC6726E6>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:COMPILER-VAR: (NIL)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G59172: #<
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] A
>>>             Foreign Pointer [stack-allocated] #xBFFFEB58>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BBD4)
>>>             : 1 (SIGNAL #<SIMPLE-ERROR #xC6726E6>) 903
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?(CONDITION &REST CCL::ARGS)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CONDITION: #<SIMPLE-ERROR #xC6726E6>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CCL::ARGS: NIL
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             #) (CONDITIO
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] N #)
>>>             (ERROR))
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             #xE3B7E>)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] RE #
>>>             #xE3B7E>)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             GUI::|-[HemlockEditorDocument init]|) #xE3B7E>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BBFC)
>>>             : 2 (%ERROR #<SIMPLE-ERROR #xC6726E6> NIL 864021)
>>>             111
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CONDITION: #<SIMPLE-ERROR #xC6726E
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] 6>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CCL::ARGS: NIL
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CCL::ERROR-POINTER: 864021
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BC10)
>>>             : 3 (CERROR "Try to delete" "~s already exists"
>>>             "Untitled") 823
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CCL::CONT-STRING: "Try to delete"
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CONDITION: "~s already exists"
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CCL::ARGS: ("Untitled")
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?CCL::FP: 864021
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G146824: #<RESTART CONTINUE #xE3B2E>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G146821: (#<RESTART CONTINUE #xE3B2E>)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?CCL::%
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             RESTARTS%: ((#<# # #xE3B2E>))
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G146822: #<SIMPLE-ERROR #xC6726E6>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?CCL::*CONDITION-RESTARTS*: ((#<# # #xE3B2E> . #))
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G14
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             6825:
>>>             #<SIMPLE-ERROR #xC6726E6>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BC54)
>>>             : 4 (MAKE-BUFFER "Untitled" :MODES ("Lisp" "Editor")
>>>             :MODELINE-FIELDS
>>>             (#<Hemlock Modeline-field :MODIFIEDP> #<Hemlock
>>>             Modeline-field
>>>             :EXTERNAL-FORMAT> #<Hemlock Modeline-field :PACKAGE>
>>>             #<Hemlock
>>>             Modeline-field :MODES>) :DELETE-HOOK NIL) 239
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             :DELETE-HOOK)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             HI::NAME: "Untitled"
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             HI::MODES: ("Lisp" "Editor")
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             HI::MODELINE-FIELDS: (#<Hemlock Modeline-field
>>>             :MODIFIEDP> #<Hemlock
>>>             Modeline-field :EXTERNAL-FORMAT> #<Hemlock
>>>             Modeline-field :PACKAGE>
>>>             #<Hemlock Modeline-field :MODES>)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             HI::DELETE-HOOK: NIL
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BC78)
>>>             : 5 (MAKE-HEMLOCK-BUFFER "Untitle
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] d"
>>>             :MODES ("Lisp" "Editor")) 111
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?(&REST
>>>             GUI::ARGS)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             GUI::ARGS: ("Untitled" :MODES ("Lisp" "Editor"))
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BC84)
>>>             : 6 (FUNCALL #'#<GUI::|-[HemlockEditorDocument
>>>             init]|> -268436778) 823
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?(#:G59171)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             #:G59171: -268436778
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G59186: #<A Foreign Point
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] er
>>>             [stack-allocated] #xBFFFEB58>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G59172: #<A Foreign Pointer [stack-allocated]
>>>             #xBFFFEB58>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:COMPILER-VAR: (NIL)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G59176: #<COMPILED-LEXICAL-CLOSURE (:INTERNAL
>>>             GUI::|-[HemlockEditorDocument init]|) #xE3B7E>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G59187: (CONDITION #<COMPILED-LEXICA
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             L-CLOSURE # #xE3B7E>)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?CCL::%HANDLERS%: ((CONDITION #) (CONDITION #)
>>>             (CONDITION #) (CONDITION #)
>>>             (ERROR))
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?GUI::SELF: #<HEMLOC
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             K-LISTENER-DOCUMENT <HemlockListenerDocument:
>>>             0x183e400> (#x183E400)>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             <HemlockListenerDocument: 0x183e400>
>>>             (#x183E400)>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BCB8)
>>>             : 7 (%PASCAL-FUNCTIONS% 118 -268436778) 343
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?(CCL::INDEX CCL::ARGS-PTR-FIXNUM)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CCL::INDEX: 118
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CCL::ARGS-PTR-FIXNUM: -268436778
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?CCL::LISP-FUNCTION: #<Compiled-function
>>>             GUI::|-[HemlockEditorDocument init]
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] |
>>>             (Non-Global) ?#x5799BDE>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS: NIL
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?CCL::*CALLBACK-TRACE-P*: NIL
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BD00)
>>>             : 8 (FUNCALL #'#<Anonymous Function #x4C7311E> #<A
>>>             Foreign Pointer
>>>             [stack-allocated] (:* #) #xBFFFEC10> #<A Foreign
>>>             Pointer #x98FC13B4>) 183
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?(#:G3568 #:G3569)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             #:G3568: #<A Foreign Pointer [stack-allocated] (:*
>>>             #) #xBFFFEC10>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             #:G3569: #<A Foreign Pointer #x98FC13B4>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BD10)
>>>             : 9 (%CALL-NEXT-OBJC-METHOD
>>>             <HemlockListenerDocument: 0x183e400> (#x183E400)>
>>>             #<OBJC:OBJC-CLASS GUI::H
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             EMLOCK-LISTENER-DOCUMENT (#x402C30)> #<A Foreign
>>>             Pointer #x98FC13B4> (:ID))
>>>             1535
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             CCL::ARGS)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             <HemlockListenerDocument: 0x183e400>
>>>             (#x183E400)>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CLASS:
>>>             (#x402C30)>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CCL::SELECTOR: #<A Foreign Pointer #x98FC13B4>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CCL::SIG: (:ID)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CCL::ARGS: NIL
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?CCL::S:
>>>             #<A Foreign Pointer [stack-allocated] (:* #)
>>>             #xBFFFEC10>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             :TYPE-SIGNATURE (:ID)
>>>             :FUNCTION #<Anonymous Function #x4C72FC6> ...)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?FUNCTION: #<Anonymous Function #x4C7311E>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G3246: #<A Foreign Pointer [stack-allocated] (:*
>>>             #) #xBFFFEBA0>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G3247: -268436770
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BD60)
>>>             : 10 (FUNCALL #'#<GUI::|-[HemlockListenerDocument
>>>             init]|> -268436706) 711
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?(#:G63079)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             #:G63079: -268436706
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G63094: #<A Foreign Pointer [stack-allocated]
>>>             #xBFFFEC78>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G63080: #<A Foreign Pointer [stack-allocated]
>>>             #xBFFFEC78>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:COMPILER-VAR: (NIL)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G63084: #<COMPILED-LEXICAL-CLOSURE (:INTERNAL
>>>             GUI::|-[HemlockListenerDocument init]|) #xE3C86>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G63095: (CONDITION #<COMPILED-LEXICAL-CLOSURE #
>>>             #xE3C86>)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?CCL::%
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             #) (ERROR))
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             <HemlockListenerDocument: 0x183e400>
>>>             (#x183E400)>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BD90)
>>>             : 11 (%PASCAL-FUNCTIONS% 143 -268436706) 343
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?(CCL::INDEX CCL::ARGS-PTR-FIXNUM)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CCL::INDEX: 143
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CCL::ARGS-PTR-FIXNUM: -268436706
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?CCL::LISP-FUNCTION: #<Compiled-function
>>>             GUI::|-[HemlockListenerDocument
>>>             init]| (Non-Global) ?#x57D1386>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS: NIL
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?CCL::*CALLBACK-TRACE-P*: NIL
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BDD8)
>>>             : 12 (FUNCALL #'#<Anonymous Function #x4DC6BF6>
>>>             <HemlockDocumentController: 0x84001200>
>>>             (#x84001200)> #S(CCL::OBJC-SELECTOR :NAME
>>>             "openUntitledDocumentOfType:display:" :%SEL #<A
>>>             Foreign Pointer #x98FD29ED>)
>>>             #<NS-CONSTANT-STRING "Listener" (#x600490)> T) 527
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?(#
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             :G3804
>>>             #:G3805 CCL::ARG0 CCL::ARG1)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             #:G3804: #<HEMLOCK-DOCUMENT-CONTROLLER
>>>             <HemlockDocumentController:
>>>             0x84001200> (#x84001200)>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             #:G3805: #S(CCL::OBJC-SELECTOR :NAME
>>>             "openUntitledDocumentOfType:display:"
>>>             :%SEL #<A Foreign Pointer #x98FD29ED>)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CCL::ARG0: #<NS-CONSTANT-STRING "Listener"
>>>             (#x600490)>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CCL::ARG1: T
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BDF0)
>>>             : 13 (FUNCALL #'#<(:OBJC-DISPATCH
>>>             NEXTSTEP-FUNCTIONS:|openUntitledDocumentOfType:display:|)>
>>>             ???) 1151
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?NIL
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BE28)
>>>             : 14 (FUNCALL #'#<GUI::|-[LispApplicationDelegate
>>>             newL
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             istener:]|> -268436618) 759
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?(#:G72131)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             #:G72131: -268436618
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G72146: #<A Foreign Pointer [stack-allocated]
>>>             #xBFFFEDD8>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G72132: #<A Foreign Pointer [stack-allocated]
>>>             #xBFFFEDD8>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:COMPILER-VAR: (NIL)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G72136: #<COMPILED-LEXICAL-CLOSURE (:INTERNAL
>>>             GUI::|-[LispApplicationDelegate newListener:]|)
>>>             #xE3D9E>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G72147: (CONDITION #<COMPILED-LEXICAL-CLOSURE #
>>>             #xE3D9E>)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?CCL::%HANDLERS%: ((CONDITION #) (CONDITION #)
>>>             (ERROR))
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             [uninitialized] (#x608510)>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?GUI::SENDER: #<LISP-APPLICATION <LispApplication:
>>>             0x1801600> (#x1801600)>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BE5C)
>>>             : 15 (%PASCAL-FUNCTIONS% 284 -268436618) 343
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?(CCL::INDEX CCL::ARGS-PTR-FIXNUM)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CCL::INDEX: 284
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CCL::ARGS-PTR-FIXNUM: -268436618
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?CCL::LISP-FUNCTION: #<Compiled-function
>>>             GUI::|-[LispApplicationDelegate
>>>             newListener:]| (Non-Global) ?#x5915B36>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS: NIL
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?CCL::*CALLBACK-TRACE-P*: NIL
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BEA4)
>>>             : 16 (FUNCALL #'#<Anonymous Function #x4EA55BE>
>>>             [uninitialized] (#x608510)> #S(CCL::OBJC-SELECTOR
>>>             :NAME "newListener:" :%SEL
>>>             #<A Foreign Pointer #x605B30>) #<LISP-APPLICATION
>>>             <LispApplication:
>>>             0x1801600> (#x1801600)>) 431
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?(#:G7622 #:G7623 CCL::ARG0)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             #:G7622: #<LISP-APPLICATION-DELEGATE [uninitialized]
>>>             (#x608510)>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             #:G7623: #S(CCL::OBJC-SELECTOR :NAME "newListener:"
>>>             :%SEL #<A Foreign
>>>             Pointer #x605B30>)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CCL::ARG0: #<LISP-APPLICATION <LispApplication: 0x
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             1801600>
>>>             (#x1801600)>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BEB8)
>>>             : 17 (FUNCALL #'#<(:OBJC-DISPATCH
>>>             NEXTSTEP-FUNCTIONS:|newListener:|)> ???)
>>>             1151
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?NIL
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BEF0)
>>>             : 18 (FUNCALL #'#<GUI::|-[LispApplicationDelegate
>>>             applicationOpenUntitledFile:]|> -268436554) 799
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?(#:G72300)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             #:G72300: -268436554
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G72315: #<A Foreign Pointer [stack-allocated]
>>>             #xBFFFEED8>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G72301: #<A Foreign Pointer [stack-allocated]
>>>             #xBFFFEED8>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:COMPILER-VAR: (NIL)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G72305: #<COMPILED-LEXICAL-CLOSURE (:INTERNAL
>>>             GUI::|-[LispApplicationDelegate
>>>             applicationOpenUntitledFile:]|) #xE3EAE>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?#:G72316: (CONDITION #<COMPILED-LEXICAL-CLOSURE #
>>>             #xE3EAE>)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?CCL::%HANDLERS%: ((CONDITION #) (ERROR))
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             [uninitialized] (#x608510)>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?GUI::APP: #<LISP-APPLICATION <LispApplication: 0x18
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             01600>
>>>             (#x1801600)>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             (34BF24)
>>>             : 19 (%PASCAL-FUNCTIONS% 289 -268436554) 343
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?(CCL::INDEX CCL::ARGS-PTR-FIXNUM)
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CCL::INDEX: 289
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343] ?
>>>             CCL::ARGS-PTR-FIXNUM: -268436554
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?CCL::LISP-FUNCTION: #<Compiled-function
>>>             GUI::|-[LispApplicationDelegate
>>>             applicationOpenUntitledFile:]| (Non-Global)
>>>             ?#x5919ADE>
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS: NIL
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM
>>>             [0x0-0x2a02a].com.clozure.Clozure CL-x8632[343]
>>>             ?CCL::*CALLBACK-TRACE-P*: NIL
>>>             10/26/10 3:00:50 PM dx86cl[343] Lisp exception:
>>>             "Untitled" already exists
>>>             10/26/10 3:01:13 PM login[403] USER_PROCESS: 403
>>>             ttys000
>>>             Prof. Alexander Repenning
>>>             University of Colorado
>>>             Computer Science Department
>>>             Boulder, CO 80309-430
>>>             vCard:
>>>             http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~ralex/AlexanderRepenning.vcf
>>> Prof. Alexander Repenning
>>> University of Colorado
>>> Computer Science Department
>>> Boulder, CO 80309-430
>>> vCard: http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~ralex/AlexanderRepenning.vcf
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> Openmcl-devel mailing list
> Openmcl-devel at clozure.com
> http://clozure.com/mailman/listinfo/openmcl-devel

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