[Openmcl-devel] Objective-C constant strings with unicode
Pascal J. Bourguignon
pjb at informatimago.com
Tue Apr 5 21:35:55 PDT 2011
(lisp-string (ccl:@ "été")) --> "√©t√©" ; fails.
with the "obvious":
(defun lisp-string (a-nsstring)
(ccl::%get-utf-8-cstring (objc:send a-nsstring 'utf8-string)))
The problem is that make-cstring doesn't deal with encodings.
So here is a replacement, which encodes the lisp string into utf-8, and
which uses the NSString public API to build a string from the utf-8
bytes. (If you have any information about the internals of
NSConstantString, you may want to "optimize" it).
But as it is, I get what I expect:
(lisp-string @"été") --> "été"
;;; Constants strings in objc-runtime don't support unicode characters.
;;; so we need to redo it here.
(defun make-utf8-cstring (lstring)
(let* ((llen (length lstring))
(clen (ccl::utf-8-octets-in-string lstring 0 llen)))
(declare (fixnum llen clen))
(let* ((cstring (ccl::malloc (the fixnum (1+ clen)))))
(ccl::utf-8-memory-encode lstring cstring 0 0 llen)
(setf (ccl::%get-byte cstring clen) 0)
(print (loop
for str = cstring
for i from 0
for ch = (CCL:%GET-UNSIGNED-BYTE str i)
while (plusp ch)
collect ch))
(values cstring clen))))
(defun %make-constant-nsstring (string-literal)
(multiple-value-bind (bytes bytelen) (make-utf8-cstring string-literal)
(objc:send (objc:send ns:ns-string 'alloc)
:init-with-bytes-no-copy bytes
:length bytelen
:encoding #$|NSUTF8StringEncoding|
:free-when-done t)))
(defvar *objc-constant-strings* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(defstruct objc-constant-string
(defun ns-constant-string (string)
(or (gethash string *objc-constant-strings*)
(setf (gethash string *objc-constant-strings*)
(make-objc-constant-string :string string
:nsstringptr (%make-constant-nsstring string)))))
(defmethod make-load-form ((s objc-constant-string) &optional env)
(declare (ignore env))
`(ns-constant-string ,(objc-constant-string-string s)))
(defmacro @ (string)
`(objc-constant-string-nsstringptr ,(ns-constant-string string)))
(defun lisp-string (a-nsstring)
(print (loop
for str = (objc:send a-nsstring 'utf8-string)
for i from 0
for ch = (CCL:%GET-UNSIGNED-BYTE str i)
while (plusp ch)
collect ch))
(ccl::%get-utf-8-cstring (objc:send a-nsstring 'utf8-string)))
__Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/
A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.
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