[Openmcl-devel] CCL/Cocoa Mountain Lion Challenges
Alexander Repenning
alexander.repenning at Colorado.EDU
Fri Aug 24 16:19:37 PDT 2012
On Aug 24, 2012, at 9:07 AM, Gary Byers wrote:
> Your example leaks memory; it's not surprising that it behaves
> like it's leaking memory, is it ?
The memory leak is not surprising and could be addressed with a autorelease-pool. However, what we are seeing is very different. The memory leak makes RealMem (as observed via Activity Monitor) climb up, less than 1 MB per call. A leak to be sure, but its linear over time. When the CPU/Mem burst takes place memory is not growing linearly but is essentially EXPLODING to the point where the ALL physical system memory, e.g., 8GB, will be used up, i.e., no free system memory left, and CCL and sometimes even OS X itself will lock up. In other words, a single iteration of this loop will have memory go up by multiple gigabytes!
Here is an example that I am pretty sure will also reproduce this strange behavior on your Mountain Lion machine. One difference, making it a bit more similar to our real code is the use of choose-file-dialog instead of a standard alert. We ran this on several machines using just the current version of CCL from the Mac App store (untouched). This crashed CCL (1.8.1 I believe) on every Mountain Lion machine we have. Watch CPU and RealMem of CCL closely as you keep mindlessly selecting some silly file somewhere on your disk over and over.
Is this crashing now? I really hope this is because this is driving us crazy.
(defmacro IN-MAIN-THREAD (() &body body)
(let ((thunk (gensym))
(done (gensym))
(result (gensym)))
`(let ((,done nil)
(,result nil))
(flet ((,thunk ()
(setq ,result (multiple-value-list (progn , at body))
,done t)))
(gui::execute-in-gui #',thunk)
(process-wait "Main thread" #'(lambda () ,done))
(values-list ,result)))))
(defun CRASH-ME ()
(in-main-thread ()
(dotimes (i 100)
; (ccl::with-autorelease-pool
'(:name "pointless")
#'(lambda ()
; (crash-me)
> I couldn't get this to crash under either Snow Leopard or Mountain Lion;
> my naive, uninformed guess is that the leak may be worse on Snow Leopard
> (because some of the Mountain Lion code may be using ARC.) It's also
> possible I suppose that something in the 10.6 Cocoa libraries establishes
> an autorelease pool to limit the memory leaking and that the 10.8 Cocoa
> libraries don't do this.
> (loop
> (create-a-bunch-of-autoreleased-nsobjects))
> will eventually run out of memory. That doesn't seem interesting.
> (loop
> (objc:with-autorelease-pool
> (create-a-bunch-of-autoreleased-nsobjects)))
> (or equivalent) will generally have bounded memory usage. (That isn't
> exactly interesting either, but none of this is news.)
> On Thu, 23 Aug 2012, Alexander Repenning wrote:
>> A bit of a pattern is emerging:
>> - no obvious connection to version of CCL
>> - strong connection to version of OS X (Mountain Lion, 10.8.0 and 10.8.1
>> only)
>> - quite inconsistent
>> - can happen when making threads or not servicing events from main thread
>> for some time
>> - more likely to crash on CCL 32 than CCL 64
>> - has a CPU and RealMemory surge manifestation (observe with Activity
>> Monitor)?
>> Here is a test case.?
>> ? -?Load code and eval?(crash-me)
>> - observe CCL System memory in?Activity Monitor
>> - keep pressing return to OK the modal dialog.
>> Things may be fine OR you get some initial hick up with some small
>> CPU/RealMem surges making things slower and slower. In some cases RealMem
>> will just use up all you have and crash CCL after growing to a couple of
>> GB.?
>> If you have a Mountain Lion machine please let me know if you also get
>> problems with this.?
>> puzzled, ?Alex
>> ____________
>> ;(in-package :xlui)
>> ;; inilined from Libraries
>> (defun NATIVE-STRING (String) "
>> ? Return a native string"
>> ? (#/autorelease (ccl::%make-nsstring String)))
>> (defmethod STANDARD-ALERT-DIALOG ((Message string) &key?
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (Yes-Text "OK")
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (No-Text nil)
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (Cancel-Text nil)
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (Explanation-Text)
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (Is-Critical nil))
>> ? (let ((Alert (#/init (#/alloc ns:ns-alert))))
>> ? ? (#/setMessageText: Alert (native-string Message))
>> ? ? (when Yes-Text (#/addButtonWithTitle: Alert (native-string Yes-Text)))
>> ? ? (when No-Text (#/addButtonWithTitle: Alert (native-string No-Text)))
>> ? ? (when Cancel-Text (#/addButtonWithTitle: Alert (native-string
>> Cancel-Text)))
>> ? ? (when Explanation-Text (#/setInformativeText: Alert (native-string
>> Explanation-Text)))
>> ? ? (#/setAlertStyle: Alert (if Is-Critical #$NSCriticalAlertStyle
>> #$NSWarningAlertStyle))
>> ? ? (case ?(#/runModal Alert)
>> ? ? ? (#.#$NSAlertFirstButtonReturn t)
>> ? ? ? (#.#$NSAlertSecondButtonReturn nil)
>> ? ? ? (#.#$NSAlertThirdButtonReturn (throw :cancel nil)))))
>> (defmacro IN-MAIN-THREAD (() &body body)
>> ? (let ((thunk (gensym))
>> ? ? ? ? (done (gensym))
>> ? ? ? ? (result (gensym)))
>> ? ? `(let ((,done nil)
>> ? ? ? ? ? ?(,result nil))
>> ? ? ? ?(flet ((,thunk ()
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (setq ,result (multiple-value-list (progn , at body))
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ,done t)))
>> ? ? ? ? ?(gui::execute-in-gui #',thunk)
>> ? ? ? ? ?(process-wait "Main thread" #'(lambda () ,done))
>> ? ? ? ? ?(values-list ,result)))))
>> ;; the actual crasher
>> (defun CRASH-ME ()
>> ? (in-main-thread ()
>> ? ? (dotimes (i 100)
>> ? ? ? (standard-alert-dialog "HELLO")
>> ? ? ? (ccl::process-run-function
>> ? ? ? ?'(:name "pointless")
>> ? ? ? ?#'(lambda ()
>> ? ? ? ? ? ?)))))
>> ; (crash-me)
>> ?
>> On Aug 23, 2012, at 1:17 PM, Paul Krueger wrote:
>> FWIW, I recently upgraded to Mountain Lion and am NOT seeing any
>> Cocoa-related problems with either the IDE or my own Cocoa
>> interfaces and I've been editing lots of lisp files. But I am
>> still on a pretty old version of CCL: 1.7-dev-r14583M-trunk
>> ?(DarwinX8664)
>> Paul
>> On Aug 23, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Alexander Repenning
>> <Alexander.Repenning at colorado.edu> wrote:
>> We are experiencing some errors, e.g., crashing CCL/Cocoa
>> when just editing a file (with Hemlock). So far we have
>> nothing completely reproducible but I wonder:
>> - how others experienced new kinds of issues with CCL in OS X
>> Mountain Lion (10.8.0)?
>> - is there a certain set of fixes introduced into CCL
>> specifically addressing?OS X Mountain Lion. In other words is
>> there some, presumably recent, ?version of CCL that should be
>> used to avoid trouble?
>> Alex
>> Prof. Alexander Repenning
>> University of Colorado
>> Computer Science Department
>> Boulder, CO 80309-430
>> vCard: http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~ralex/AlexanderRepenning.vcf
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>> Openmcl-devel mailing list
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>> Prof. Alexander Repenning
>> University of Colorado
>> Computer Science Department
>> Boulder, CO 80309-430
>> vCard: http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~ralex/AlexanderRepenning.vcf
Prof. Alexander Repenning
University of Colorado
Computer Science Department
Boulder, CO 80309-430
vCard: http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~ralex/AlexanderRepenning.vcf
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