[Openmcl-devel] Swank in CCL image not working

Zach Beane xach at xach.com
Sun Dec 2 06:22:38 PST 2012

Michael Wolber <mwolber at gmx.de> writes:

> Hi folks,
> I am trying to use ccl on a Raspberry Pi. As that nice thing is not really fast I would prefer to put most things into an image, instead of loading them in the init file. I want to connect to the PiLisp with Slime through an SSH tunnel. So I loaded Quicklisp and swank in advance. Basically that means that I do a 
> 	(load "/usr/local/lib/quicklisp/setup.lisp")
> 	(require :swank)
> 	(ccl:save-application "armcl.image")
> right after starting my ccl ("./armcl -no-init -I armcl.image.orig").
> When I start ccl now using this image again and try to start a new listening server in my init file
> 	(swank:create-server :port 4005 :style :spawn :dont-close t)
> then I get the following error:
> 	> Error: #<BASIC-CHARACTER-OUTPUT-STREAM :CLOSED #x5462E5DE> is closed
> 	> While executing: CCL::STREAM-IS-CLOSED, in process listener(1).
> I guess there is either a bug in the swank-backend for ccl, or within ccl itself. Seems as if a network stream is not replaced when restarting the image. 
> Any idea? Did anyone try to put Swank directly into an image?

This is a known failure mode for swank. Before saving, use this:

  (setf swank:*log-output* nil)


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