[Openmcl-devel] ccl64 freebsd64 hunchentoot segfault

Antony lisp.linux at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 08:06:10 PST 2012

On 2/7/2012 12:06 PM, Gary Byers wrote:
> I could speculate more, but I don't know how useful that'd be.  I don't
> know of any FreeBSD-specific CCL problems that might cause this but that
> doesn't mean too much either way.
I am able to reproduce this without any of my code (Thanks to some prodding)
Following is what I did
run CCL as


in the repl do the following

(load #P"/home/antony/git/thirdparty/asdf")
  (list :source-registry (list :tree #P"/home/antony/git/thirdparty") 
;;where hunchentoot and it's dependencies live
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :hunchentoot)
(defvar *https* (hunchentoot:start
            (make-instance 'hunchentoot:easy-ssl-acceptor :port 8083
                           :ssl-privatekey-password "xxxxxxx"

Run apache bench as
ab -n 2000 -c 4 'https://xxxxx:8083/'
I get segfault after some requests

ab does not ignore  ssl cert errors (mine is self signed),
so you essentially get a series of aborted requests,

to make the test more complete, i got hold of the following script
this ignores the cert sign error and does full requests
date +%M-%S-%N
for (( c=1; c<=$K; c++ ))
     wget --no-check-certificate --secure-protocol=SSLv3 --spider $HTTPSA &
date +%M-%S-%N

and ran it concurrently as
  sh qqqqqq.sh &  sh qqqqqq.sh &
this also caused segfault

But neither caused segfault on CCL+linux

The core file is still too big to email


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