[Openmcl-devel] Linking StoreKit.framework from CCL and in-app purchases

Gary Byers gb at clozure.com
Tue Apr 16 18:38:33 PDT 2013

I made copies of the StoreKit header files in question, edited out
the problem construct, and ran the copies through the translator.
I checked the results into the trunk; AFAIK, you could use them with
1.8 or 1.9 as well.

The change means that SKDownloadState is effectively defined as 'int',
which is different from 'NSInteger' on 64-bit machines.

As far as I know, this currently only affects the -[SKDownload state]
method, which returns a value between 0 and 5 as an NSInteger; CCL
may treat the return value as an int and sign extend it to 64 bits,
but the values will always be so small that this doesn't matter.

On Tue, 16 Apr 2013, Alexander Repenning wrote:

> On Apr 11, 2013, at 8:32 PM, Gary Byers wrote:
>       On Thu, 11 Apr 2013, Michael Minerva wrote:
>             Sorry about that Gary. ?I was excited about the
>             conversation about CCL and the app store so I wanted
>             to respond to Paul's email as quickly as possible
>             when I got in this morning but you're right I should
>             have tried his suggestion about using
>             objc::load-framework before commenting on that.
>             I did notice that there is no StoreKit directory in
>             the darwin-x86-headers. ?Am I reading the
>             documentation correctly that this means that I need
>             to create an interface directory for it (as
>             described in section 13.5).
>       That's the general idea. ?I looked at what was involved in
>       parsing the StoreKit
>       interfaces and there seems to be another issue.
> Sounds like switching from GCC to CLANG could be quite the project.
> Meanwhile, is there a way for us to try to roll our own CL interface
> to?StoreKit using some existing macros to introduce classes, constants and
> methods? I assume we only need a pretty small list of classes and methods. I
> am looking in "14. The Objective-C Bridge" but that seems to assume a .cdb
> file exists. Is there some low level way to manually create an interface?
> Alex

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