[Openmcl-devel] more precise timing values?

Florian Dietz Florian.Dietz2 at gmx.de
Sat Oct 5 07:53:43 PDT 2013

Thank you for the quick answers. Unfortunately, neither of these work 
for me.

(rlet ((tv :timeval))
   (ccl::gettimeofday tv)
   (values (pref tv :timeval.tv_sec)
           (pref tv :timeval.tv_usec)))
gives me 'Error: value :TIMEVAL is not of the expected type MACPTR.'

and (CCL::current-time-in-nanoseconds) gives 'Error: Undefined function 
CCL::CURRENT-TIME-IN-NANOSECONDS called with arguments () .'

Am I forgetting something obvious to get them to wok?

On 05.10.2013 15:06, peter wrote:
> At 3:12 PM +0400 13/10/5, Stas Boukarev wrote:
>> Florian Dietz <Florian.Dietz2 at gmx.de> writes:
>>>  Is it possible to get more precise timing values than with
>>>  (get-internal-real-time), which only gives milliseconds?
>> There's unexported ccl::gettimeofday:
>> (rlet ((tv :timeval))
>>   (ccl::gettimeofday tv)
>>   (values (pref tv :timeval.tv_sec)
>>           (pref tv :timeval.tv_usec)))
> and current-time-in-nanoseconds

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